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Has anyone fried a c2d before?

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I would think 1.7 would be max on the E6850 so with that being said and knowing my memory will go as high as 523mhz I'm going go try to get it to 4.1 tonight and see if i cant get orthos to run all night without any errors.

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so what explains the electrical hums when I push the e6600 on my 680i to 1.55vcore and 3.6ghz?


You have the AR/TR (1st revision)? But yeah, these 680is tend to have coil whine from the inductors. My old BR did this pretty bad, but the new T1 has yet to squeek.


according to hardnrg, you can stop this by gluing the coils.

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You have the AR/TR (1st revision)? But yeah, these 680is tend to have coil whine from the inductors. My old BR did this pretty bad, but the new T1 has yet to squeek.


according to hardnrg, you can stop this by gluing the coils.

A1 actually.


and speaking of A1, that sauce is good. :)

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Isn't electromigration a good thing to bring up here? I believe that's the cause of this kind of problem.


so what explains the electrical hums when I push the e6600 on my 680i to 1.55vcore and 3.6ghz?

As mentioned already, that's from the voltage regulators. It's nothing to be worried about.

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I was just going to bring that subject up. It is a fact that it happens and cooling is not the answer. I have run as much as 1.65 through my 6750 for benches but saw no benifits so I stay under 1.575 now. My Q6600 gets 1.525 for 3.6 prime stable. The 6600's and 6700 are all running mild ocs with less than 1.475volts. The only chip I have seen any depredation on was my 6700. It is now stable at 3.5 instead of 3.6.

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Swifty the hum is in the capacitors. Some boards actually had a very high pitched and loud hum.

Remember SNDS Sudden Northwood Death Syndrome? Well my 2.4 C has been running daily for more than 3 years at 1.675 volts and has seen as high as 1.825 volts!!

My E6600 has been running now for 6 months at 1.6372 volts on the multi.

My q6600 runs daily at 1.6 and has spent a lot of time at 1.6375.


I have tortured many Intel chips literally dozens and never so much as a hiccup from any of them



Edited by weldzilla

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