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What do you think of the iPhone?



106 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think of the iPhone

    • It's an great phone, well worth the price
    • It's a cool phone, but not for what they're asking for it
    • Meh, there's other phones that do more & cost less
    • I couldn't care less about the iPhone
    • Other
  2. 2. Do you plan on buying an iPhone?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes (once the price drops)
    • Yes (if it goes to other carriers)

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:bah: Nice to see you Hyper Threaded.


Plenty of people have put forward their views as the original poll asked them to do only for them to be dismissed as idiotic or moronic.


*drags thread back on track kicking and screaming*


Who are Apple really aiming this phone at in the first place?

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I tend to think the people buying it are the sort of people who must have all the latest Apple stuff. They've got a G5, latest iPod 80gb, MacBook Pro, and now an iPhone. Even if the product itself isn't all that brilliant, they want it just to be different. I think some people buy Apple products as a means to show off their wealth somewhat, since their products cost a bit more.

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hmm... well after browsing through this thread, it looks like the only solid negative comment was that that audio quality was sub-par (bigred)... all the other negative feedback seems to be based on the fact that the iPhone is a touchscreen PDA-phone... all the arguments against the iPhone could be applied to pretty much any smartphone or PDA-phone like the XDA


I'll be quite honest, I don't like Apple's design strategy, the features and technology they put into ALL their products does not appeal to me... and if it DOES, then EXACTLY the same product can be bought for less (e.g. Mac LCD)...


as mentioned earlier in this thread, I am also against convergence of technology and feel that devices should excel and specialise in one arena rather than trying to be a jack-of-all-trades... convergence means compromise, and that is the main reason why I am not even interested in testing the iPhone


call it "fanboyism" if you will, I'm not saying the iPhone is a bad product... if you WANT convergence and a "does everything" device, I'm sure it's quite good and hard to beat, but I don't... I want an amazing portable audio player, a top-of-the-line handheld gaming system, one of the best usable phone available, and I don't use internet on the move... I have all that, and I'm happy :)


I have big pockets, I can carry multiple devices :D

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Drop the superior attitude sdy284 and Kash.

Let people say what they want to say without having someone pretty much just call them stupid for saying it.

sorry that i'm trying to squash out the comments that have no factual backing. :unsure:


While I see the point you are trying to make I feel I must point out that there are other members such as myself who appreciate what they are doing. Look at it this way......how useless is it to read post after post of members stating things like "it sucks" or "it's a piece of crap" without any reasons, examples, or even references as to why they dislike it? I appreciate pros and cons on pretty much any topic but they have to have some kind of intelligent feedback to make it a fair debate. I know nothing about the iPhone but I can tell you that I learned a lot more about it reading the posts from Sdy and Kash than I did the reading "it's a crappy phone" posts over and over again. See what I'm saying? I don't know about you but my main purpose for coming to this forum is to learn new things and these kinds of debates can actually be very informative when discussed in a way that both sides present the facts and intelligent reasons to back up their opinion.

high5.gif exactly. Pointless fanboy-ish "it sucks" posts are just that... pointless.


Imagine if during the Presidential Debate one of the candidates was asked a question and they simply replied with "it sucks." And then if the moderator of the debate tried to get some more information from the candidate on why "it sucks" the candidate said "because it's my opinion and i think it sucks."


What would people think of said candidate?

If you want that go read a review or a post in another section of the forums not a POLL entitled "What do you think of the iPhone?".

so intelligent debate based on facts is not allowed in the polls section? Should i put a disclaimer on my polls from now on "no fanboy-ish comments allowed" ? :bah:

I gave my reasons.


You didn't like them. Good for you. :thumbs-up:


Nay, you gave reasons & when questioned about those reasons (trying to spark some intelligent debate) you replied "with it's my opinion & i think it sucks" (or something along those lines)

Moderation team should suck up their pride instead of using their authority to bully other members.

how are we bullying other members :unsure:




And i think Apple is marketing this product to anyone with a PDA phone and an iPod... somebody who is already in the Apple family who wants to combine their 2 most carried devices (and someone with smaller pockets than hardnrg :lol: )


Like i've already said in this thread, I personally wouldn't buy an iPhone because:

1. It costs to much

2. And more importantly, i really wouldn't use most of the features that it has. I have an iPod Nano but only use it for mountain biking & i sure wouldn't be taking my $500 iPhone mountain biking :P

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Moderation team should suck up their pride instead of using their authority to bully other members.


Using authority to bully members? That's quite a claim. Last I checked, we haven't deleted any dissenting opinions nor have we issued any warnings pertaining to posts in this thread. For all intents and purposes, sdy and myself are like everybody else posting in this thread...except we're smarter :D

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Nay, you gave reasons & when questioned about those reasons (trying to spark some intelligent debate) you replied "with it's my opinion & i think it sucks" (or something along those lines)

You asked for opinions. Stop getting pissy when you hear the ones you don't like. :thumbs-up:

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Can we keep the thread open?


First, this is the internet, WacoKid can say whatever he wants, and Kash and Sdy can say whatever they want. Regardless, founded or unfounded, what does it really matter in the long run. WacoKid is simply saying the phone sucks, but he presents his opinion as fact, something like the sky is blue or whatever, basically if you cant see things the way I do, something is wrong with you. Sdy and Kash (two of my favorite forum members) are making it known they have different opinions from what WacoKid presents and are irritated that it is being implied that an "opinion" could be wrong, thus are turning this argument back towards anyone who disagrees by stating they have unfounded claims, and then continue to present what they think is the right opinion as fact, albeit much more subtly.


This is fine with me, its a debate, that's how debates work.


On to what I think:


I would never buy the iPhone. It doesn't suck, its simply not for me. I balk at the thought of dropping $600 on anything at once, not to mention the monthly bills. Its also a smart style phone. The reason style is inserted between "smart" and "phone" is because the iPhone is not a smart phone. Smart phones are geared toward business users, the target demographic for the iPhone is somewhere around 18-30 year olds. Almost everyone hates the price, those who don't, I envy you :P and hope I will be in your position in a few years.


A much more important problem I have with it is it has been reported the headphone jack does not support any headphone plug unless the housing is fairly skinny. I have a pair of Ultimate Ears that I would want to use on it, why should my headphones have any problem fitting into my MP3 player. Why did the recess the jack? Now I have to buy an adapter for the headphone jack just to use 3rd party headphones (most don't fit, I know some do). Apple makes money by using their headphones, and if you decide to upgrade, because anything other than iBuds is an upgrade, they still make a couple bucks because you have to buy an adapter.


Also, this phone which has been pushed as its designed for simplicity, but also for power users (an idea behind OSX which I love), it lacks some basic features that you see in almost any new, or advanced phone. The key one is 3G. EDGE is already outdated, I use it on my W810i, I don't like it very much, but hey, it works. When I get a new phone, it must have 3G, period, I will not make an exception to this rule, yes I am a fanboi of fast internet.


Where is the A2DP? Most of the newer bluetooth phones have A2DP on them. A phone designed to work as a fully featured iPod should have A2DP built in. Its a simple feature today, and even though I wouldn't really use it, its still something that should be an option.


I will be honest, I am sort of a poor, semi-apathetic audiophile. I like decent sound. The 5.5G iPod sucks for audio coming out the headphone jack. There is noise, interference (ever noticed a hissing sound? Try some isolating headphones if you haven't). Music is muffled, slightly distorted, etc. Needless to say, this is going to be a general problem with portable MP3 players, same as laptops, you sacrifice portability for quality. Really though, should something touted as a great MP3 player and a great phone be mixed together, I can't imagine the quality on an iPhone since I've never even seen one, so I'll withhold judgment on sound quality, but my hopes are definitely not high.


I will agree about the tactile feedback. I really want my phone to have buttons. Call me a simplistic, small brained monkey or something, but I like the thought that I don't have to be distracted from what I'm doing to dial, text or whatever. I have visual focus problems, my eyes focus seemingly slowly when looking near-to-far, and I unconsciously blur out everything but what I'm specifically looking at. That's a personal problem, different strokes for different folks.


Multi-touch is cool, I've loved the two finger scrolling and right clicking on my friend's Macbook since the first day I tried it. Is this really practical though, since it takes two hands to use two fingers (I don't know for sure, and correct me if I'm wrong)?


Someone said something about Google Maps on their iPhone, sorry but dude, big deal, I've used Google Maps a bunch on my W810i, sure its not as integrated with the phone as it is on the iPhone, but it works just fine.


The short of this, I do not want one, I think they are cool, and I am happy for the people that like them. I simply accept they exist, there is no hate for the iPhone, but really there isn't much love or any feelings of "OMG THIS IS SO COOL!" But maybe that's because I haven't used it yet.


***Final Note*** I think most of my stuff has qualifiers in it so you can't tell my I was wrong because I left room for error in almost every sentence!!!

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this poll really strikes a nerve with me.



it's either "it's dumb" or "it's awsome".




should have a poll question of "have you ever USED an iphone?"



I'm betting 99.99999% of the people either bashing or praising it have never even used one. it's all about fanboyism and what people have read.






the one I have has had several firmware upgrades since I got it, and infact has a slowre cpu and lesser battery than the final public release.



Pros: most feature rich phone availible PERIOD

best screen possible

one of the best touch screens


Cons: Price.... it's up there but I paid more for my Asus which I love

wireless internet is slow. done for space and power requirements (asus is larger with shorter battery life as a trade off)

awkward to dial without looking (something I do... but many don't)

lousy audio quality without a headset (I dont' like headsets but those who do won't mind)



final verdict. for some it's great. for me PERSONALLY, it's not what I want. is it a bad product. by no means. my suggestion. go give it a shot if it strikes your fancy. if you like it that's your choice. if not well at least you were wise enough to give it a shot and not make up your mind without trying it out.

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nan0click, that was an amazing post. That is what I would call a legitimate argument. Praise the device because you acknowledge its strengths and yet offer compelling reasons as to why you would personally not buy it. If OCC had a reputation system, you can bet I would have sent some your way for that great post :thumbs-up:

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Can we keep the thread open?


First, this is the internet, WacoKid can say whatever he wants, and Kash and Sdy can say whatever they want. Regardless, founded or unfounded, what does it really matter in the long run. WacoKid is simply saying the phone sucks, but he presents his opinion as fact, something like the sky is blue or whatever, basically if you cant see things the way I do, something is wrong with you. Sdy and Kash (two of my favorite forum members) are making it known they have different opinions from what WacoKid presents and are irritated that it is being implied that an "opinion" could be wrong, thus are turning this argument back towards anyone who disagrees by stating they have unfounded claims, and then continue to present what they think is the right opinion as fact, albeit much more subtly.


This is fine with me, its a debate, that's how debates work.


On to what I think:


I would never buy the iPhone. It doesn't suck, its simply not for me. I balk at the thought of dropping $600 on anything at once, not to mention the monthly bills. Its also a smart style phone. The reason style is inserted between "smart" and "phone" is because the iPhone is not a smart phone. Smart phones are geared toward business users, the target demographic for the iPhone is somewhere around 18-30 year olds. Almost everyone hates the price, those who don't, I envy you :P and hope I will be in your position in a few years.


A much more important problem I have with it is it has been reported the headphone jack does not support any headphone plug unless the housing is fairly skinny. I have a pair of Ultimate Ears that I would want to use on it, why should my headphones have any problem fitting into my MP3 player. Why did the recess the jack? Now I have to buy an adapter for the headphone jack just to use 3rd party headphones (most don't fit, I know some do). Apple makes money by using their headphones, and if you decide to upgrade, because anything other than iBuds is an upgrade, they still make a couple bucks because you have to buy an adapter.


Also, this phone which has been pushed as its designed for simplicity, but also for power users (an idea behind OSX which I love), it lacks some basic features that you see in almost any new, or advanced phone. The key one is 3G. EDGE is already outdated, I use it on my W810i, I don't like it very much, but hey, it works. When I get a new phone, it must have 3G, period, I will not make an exception to this rule, yes I am a fanboi of fast internet.


Where is the A2DP? Most of the newer bluetooth phones have A2DP on them. A phone designed to work as a fully featured iPod should have A2DP built in. Its a simple feature today, and even though I wouldn't really use it, its still something that should be an option.


I will be honest, I am sort of a poor, semi-apathetic audiophile. I like decent sound. The 5.5G iPod sucks for audio coming out the headphone jack. There is noise, interference (ever noticed a hissing sound? Try some isolating headphones if you haven't). Music is muffled, slightly distorted, etc. Needless to say, this is going to be a general problem with portable MP3 players, same as laptops, you sacrifice portability for quality. Really though, should something touted as a great MP3 player and a great phone be mixed together, I can't imagine the quality on an iPhone since I've never even seen one, so I'll withhold judgment on sound quality, but my hopes are definitely not high.


I will agree about the tactile feedback. I really want my phone to have buttons. Call me a simplistic, small brained monkey or something, but I like the thought that I don't have to be distracted from what I'm doing to dial, text or whatever. I have visual focus problems, my eyes focus seemingly slowly when looking near-to-far, and I unconsciously blur out everything but what I'm specifically looking at. That's a personal problem, different strokes for different folks.


Multi-touch is cool, I've loved the two finger scrolling and right clicking on my friend's Macbook since the first day I tried it. Is this really practical though, since it takes two hands to use two fingers (I don't know for sure, and correct me if I'm wrong)?


Someone said something about Google Maps on their iPhone, sorry but dude, big deal, I've used Google Maps a bunch on my W810i, sure its not as integrated with the phone as it is on the iPhone, but it works just fine.


The short of this, I do not want one, I think they are cool, and I am happy for the people that like them. I simply accept they exist, there is no hate for the iPhone, but really there isn't much love or any feelings of "OMG THIS IS SO COOL!" But maybe that's because I haven't used it yet.


***Final Note*** I think most of my stuff has qualifiers in it so you can't tell my I was wrong because I left room for error in almost every sentence!!!

That's what I said, except that I have used one. :P

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