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Any News On AMD Quad Core?

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Any news on the AMD Quad Core? What socket is it going to be? Whats the specs? When will it be out? I've bin wonting on since they released some info on it. But I cant find any update... Can somone give me a link or somthing?

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Any news on the AMD Quad Core? What socket is it going to be? Whats the specs? When will it be out? I've bin wonting on since they released some info on it. But I cant find any update... Can somone give me a link or somthing?


Are you talking as in enthusiast/mainstream? There are already quad core server/enterprise A64s/Opterons out there. Isn't this on AMDs crap socket 4x4/FX deal thing (1207?) (Which I'll add performs just flat out worse than the C2Ds in both performance AND price)

Edited by The Unforgivin

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I think you're talking about AMD's upcoming native quad-core, called "Barcelona". It was pushed back a while ago, I know that much. I thought I read a while ago that it was pushed to Q3 '07, but I think it was originally scheduled Q2. I believe the Q3 Intel price cuts are set up to correspond to the Barcelona launch, and those are Q3.

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wow.... 2 more cores your software won't know what to do with....

score another one for the marketing dept



besides the point! also besides that it will probably preform worse, but hey, bragging rights are cool right?

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Ya i guess branging rights are cool but in the end do you really want to waste that cash, unless of course you do have a crap load laying around.


But other wise windows doesnt support quad cores so why should you?

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But other wise windows doesnt support quad cores so why should you?

Windows will support four cores. This was a misinterpretation that stemmed from the fact that Windows will only support two chips. It has no problems with more cores however.


if you know how to set up the cores then ur software will know what to do =p

That's not true. You can do all the "setting up" you want, but if your application doesn't support SMP, the quads will do you no good at all. Short of recoding your games to run SMP yourself, there's not a lot you can do.


As I've said before, the recent discussion of how Supreme Commander takes advantage of four cores has changed my outlook a bit on quads, but the price question still remains, and I still assert that the quads simply aren't worth the current $800+ price tags. Even if SupCom uses them, that's just one game, and still doesn't seem worth the upgrade cash from a $300 E6600. But if the Intel price cuts are true and the quads drop below $300 or so, they may become a reasonable option.

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while windows with the latest hot fixes and service packs will "support" the cores there are still serious efficiency issues that need to be addressed. not to mention if application A uses only core 1, and application B only uses core 1... 2-4 are doing nothing no matter what the OS says, not to mention Windows by default dumps it's entire CPU load on core 1 UNTIL an application calls for use of core 2 or more. with this happening you have very poor load balancing. trust me I'm running 2 quad core opterons in my main rig right now. XP and vista do a lousy job at best of balancing it. Vienna is like OS X where it will FORCE processes to availible cores, at a predefined threshhold. 25% load on core 1 and core 2 is used until it hits 25% and core 3 comes into play and so on. once it reaches 25% on all 8 cores it starts loading each one to a 2nd threshhold. this is all done regardless of the application having any SMP support what so ever. of course this was a feature of Vista that was removed from early builds :(

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