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I dislike Microsoft...I do not believe I should have to purchase an overpriced crappy ripoff of other peoples software simply so I can have DX10 for my new 8800's. I do not want a lot of extraneous crap that I will never use integrated into my OS since I DL the products I like using anyway.


So...is Ubuntu an option although I enjoy gaming, or is it too difficult to configure games to run on an unsupported OS? I have never used Linux so am a total noob except for the VMWare version I am using to fold on atm. BTW I saw the recent article on Ubuntu and really liked it thats why I'm asking


Or...should I buy a new copy of XPpro or actually fork out the outrageous moola for Vista?


I will take all opinions into consideration but I only have 4 days to think about it so... help plz

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Why only 4 days? You said buy a new copy? Why buy a new copy? Why can't you use your current copy? Is it installed on another machine already?


Basically I don't think you're getting DX10 with Linux, at least now any time soon. Last I checked DirectX support in general was hit and miss. It's not native to Linux and has to be "emulated" (I say "emulated" because it's not quite emulation). If it's games you want, I honestly think you should leave Linux alone, at least "for now".


*cue Linux lovers flames*


There was talk a while a go about DX10 possibly being back-ported to XP. Developers were making a big fuss about it or something. If you have a copy of XP already, then I would suggest sticking with it and waiting to see how things play out.

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Well, (DO NOT quote me on this) I think bigred said something about DX10 coming out for xp. Yes vista (@ least the version I played with) had major problems. Personally I'm keeping xp.

Yea I remember him saying they were going to have to make it for XP also.

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Yea I remember him saying they were going to have to make it for XP also.
It definitely makes sense...

How can they expect everyone with a WINDOWS computer to update "most" of their hardware and buy a new Operating System just to use the new DirectX?


In my opinion that is illegal (or should be), kinda like a bait and switch thing or whatever there called.


Promise better graphics and new games, but REQUIRE the installation of a new OS and for the majority of people a vast improvement in hardware specs just to run the OS properly.



Edited by Andrewr05

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Well thats why they made the little compatability check to see if your hardware was good enough to run vista. Look at it this way if you wanted a new game and had to upgrade your video card and ram to do it is that a bait and switch? I think not! Do i like MS? No! Do i like Linux? No! Do i have the skills needed to make my own OS ? No! So with that being said i need to choose whichever of the operating systems out there that suits my needs. If DX10 comes out for XP great but if it doesn't and i want it i will have to buy Vista. Does that bother me? Nope. Its just an excuse for me to upgrade. I will wait for the bugs to get sorted out though. Good luck in your choice there Scratch!

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Why only 4 days? You said buy a new copy? Why buy a new copy? Why can't you use your current copy? Is it installed on another machine already?


Because I am going to install the old copy onto a different pc and I am getting married tomorrow and leaving on vacation the following week so gave myself a timeframe in which to accomplish all the things that need doing

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Why did you shell out so much money for brand spanking new tech, DX10 specific GFX cards, and now you don't want to spend money on vista? Buy Home Premium, its not that bad, and neither is Vista in general, most of the hate is from beta testers and those who walk into Vista disliking it already.




And saying that its wrong to force people to upgrade to take advantage of newer technology?! What the heck? Basically I read your sentence as: they should keep everything backwards compatible so we can all play it, and if the code is dramatically different between newer hardware and older hardware, well screw the new hardware, lets just keep things at the same level of quality it is now, don't make it better because than I can't play! I have an x800GTO, I know I have to upgrade to play Crysis, but Crysis is built on a NEW engine and therefore requires the NEWEST hardware to take advantage of it. Cutting edge gaming can be a very expensive habit (one which I personally do not have the funds to always keep up with).

Edited by nan0click

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