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Socket 775 Oc Competition Thread

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Do not feel bad I was told the same thing when I had low scores so I quit OCing and started folding, they do not even know which core is which on the C2Ds. Now almost everyones name that was below me are above me so I think they are all cheating myself! I do not really care any more I just quit competing here.


Don't even think about saying I am cheating. What is the point in cheating? You are just fooling yourself if you do.

Besides, I even pmed kingdingeling of a way to cheat at some of these stability tests so he could watch for it.


Have you gone through the process of removing your northbranch and southbranch chipset cooler and placing AC% under them? Did you add active coooling to the northbranch? Did you lapp your cppu? Did you check your cpu cooler for flatness? I had to lapp mine it was so far out.


There are a lot of fine-tuning tricks to do to get the most outof your system. Also, for the Core 2 Duos, don't be afraid to push the volts to them. My board only goes to 1.7 volts for vcore and I give it all to my cpu on numerous occasions.

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I didn't want to piss you off or anything, but I really don't see you running 12 second superPI 1M with dual instances. Check mentioned that a dual instances make no real difference to dual instance, well check this out:

E6400 @ 3.2 with 2GB of GeIL @ 400MHz @ 4-4-4-12 single instance:


Then check out dual instances right after the first instance run:



Can you see the difference? Now if you showed me a screenshot of a dual superPI run, with CPU-Z screens of your CPU and the memory tab, and it makes sense, then I will add them in of course, but dual 12 second runs @ 3.9 is doubtable unless you have your RAM at 3-3-3-9, which I can't tell from the information you provided. I am not trying to offend anyone, but I am trying to keep this competition a competition!

2MB L2 Cache = Allendale

4MB L2 Cache = Conroe


we had this discussion, I know CPU-Z reports Conroe, but thats because the other 2MB L2 Cache are just disabled whilst they still exist on the die. Which names below you do you mean? People keep OCing and benching to reach higher positions in the competition with higher and faster OCs, thats the point of this competition!

Again, I didn't mean to offend anyone.



I totally agree with you kingding ;)

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Love that single core 19.xx second run that was awe inspiring with an Allendale Although it barely beat My Presler :rolleyes: or my 540J Yikes

Jealousy is an ugly thing. I bet you just tore up benches Like PCmark04 and 05. How about you post up your raging AQMK3 CPU Score!!

You called this a competition, not me, you have been crushed, take it like a man or no more competitions.

I can only say, :withstupid: but, please do, :typing: and reading who knows you may learn something :rolleyes:



PS I only ran that Allendale for a few days til my Conroe arrived.....Or It would have been in the 13's


Listen, while I know this is a competition, you still keep acting like a child when others are merely pointing out the facts and pleading you to provide the evidence REQUIRED for THIS competition.


Your persistence is endearing, but your attitude is dire. So what if you 'beat' someone's score? Unless it's validated, only YOU will believe it is true. If you were so confident in your ability, you would have conformed to the requirements in a flash.


If you really want to shut people up, do the easy thing and provide the proof. In the meantime, I would advise that you review your case painting skills http://forums.overclockersclub.com/index.p...;p=679664 - post number 39 - that looks really poor, considering your outstanding efforts at overclocking. Sorry if this offends you, it is just my opinion.

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Have a really nice day.


After suddenly editing your post...(see above[in fact...loads of your posts]) you don't even show a checksum in that screenshot.


Is it so hard to follow the requirement for the dual instances? Cos at the end of the day, people are wondering if you are telling fibs, or have a plain inability to read the simple instructions. I mean, everyone else has managed it and you seem to be acting furtively.

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on my Spi 1mil score it has me marked as using an E6600 but I was using my E6400 for the test just a small oversight me thinks. I was also using Vista for the OCCT 1/2 Stable test

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Love that single core 19.xx second run that was awe inspiring with an Allendale Although it barely beat My Presler rolleyes.gif or my 540J Yikes

Jealousy is an ugly thing. I bet you just tore up benches Like PCmark04 and 05. How about you post up your raging AQMK3 CPU Score!!

You called this a competition, not me, you have been crushed, take it like a man or no more competitions.

I can only say, :withstupid: but, please do, :keeptyping: and reading who knows you may learn something rolleyes.gif



PS I only ran that Allendale for a few days til my Conroe arrived.....Or It would have been in the 13's


Have your rig running for 4 weeks straight at 100%, then bench whilst having a ton of programs in the background running and see what you get :rolleyes: I think silverfox clarified this one!


on my Spi 1mil score it has me marked as using an E6600 but I was using my E6400 for the test just a small oversight me thinks. I was also using Vista for the OCCT 1/2 Stable test


Sorry man, just as you said I probably overlooked that, I'll change it right away! :)

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wah wah. I don't want excuses Mister. I want results. Now Push that Allendale like you mean it. I like the way so many feel the need to quote me cuz it is true my words are worth quoting!!! So good job and keep it up! All Righty Then........



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wah wah. I don't want excuses Mister. I want results. Now Push that Allendale like you mean it. I like the way so many feel the need to quote me cuz it is true my words are worth quoting!!! So good job and keep it up! All Righty Then........




now if you had a look at the results page ..... :rolleyes:

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How many of you have reached 3.2GHz with the 680i and an E6600 on stock voltage? I am running Orthos with that right now.


Here's a SS so far. Let's hope it lasts for 24hrs. That would be awesome on stock voltage!




EDIT: I am not running Vista, that is the Transformation Pack.

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How many of you have reached 3.2GHz with the 680i and an E6600 on stock voltage? I am running Orthos with that right now.


Here's a SS so far. Let's hope it lasts for 24hrs. That would be awesome on stock voltage!




EDIT: I am not running Vista, that is the Transformation Pack.

Some do some don't. I can get to 3.2 on stock volts but to get higher the voltage requirements go up on my 6700.

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