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Chieftec Mesh Bigtower: Case Mod Project

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hardnrg, nice photoshop skills.... well i dunnno how to do that but i can make sigs and templates and stuff like that, www.dark-wire.net/nocbrute/Other/Portfolio


and for the case, it would be hot if you painted it red, with your "Guy Burning" logo :P

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i dunno if i want the whole case red... i might do it black with just a big version of my square avatar plopped on the side... kinda like this:




man i ordered so much stuff today... spent

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duuude. this just hit me!

dont change the case color, leave it black. then adjust your avatar/logo to the stickman being very dark grey, and the flames a very light grey, thay would look SO professional. get rid of the red, OR (another idea) make a case window on the mobo side, backlight it pure red with 2 cathodes, then carve your dude into it and paint it the colours of your choice. that would also be badass. add me to msn ([email protected]), i can help you lots with this since i also do art as a hobby.


i included a pic to give you the idea, i hope you dont mind me changing ur original.

Edited by ady1989

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not too keen on making the stickman dark grey, cos then the stickman will be lighter than the case and will look kinda inverted, the painted window idea is intriguing tho... makes me think about the possibilities of lighting up the flames and maybe even animating them so it looks like fire :D


anyway... i forgot to buy a newspaper (can buy one tomorrow and the weekend papers are usually massive for cheap) so i can't do the papier-mach

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lookin good nrg! I've run into a bit of delays on my case, and I'm noticing that a big case = big project :lol: . Your plans are lookin good, im anxious to see how everything will turn out.


Keep chuggin along and I will too :)

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i know what you mean about the big project thing lol... the list of things i bought yesterday was almost ridiculous... probably gonna buy a compressor and paint gun too :D


measured the dimensions for the duct so many times now, finally got it down to a working design and am drafting out templates for the segments/ribs at 10

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Better get some aircraft tiedowns......with all those fans going that thing could launch at any moment :lol:


Edit: Good luck with that fan shroud....looks like a lot of work...but also looks like you thought it through pretty well. B:)

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ok so i finished the cardboard skeleton and am recovering from the glue fumes... i used contact adhesive... good for sticking... bad for my brain/lungs lol :lol:


anyway... i drafted out the final design the other day on paper:


Final Design



and then i used this working design to calculated dimensions for cross-sectional segments of the bend, and top/bottom/sides/end of the intake part... these were all drafted on paper, cut to size with scissors and knife and then stuck to corrugated card to produce a set of templates:


Template set



i got an old piece of flat acrylic from work (part of a broken shopfitting display holder thing) and glued the paper base template to it, and then successive card templates up from it with little card spacers to align the templates to the 10

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