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You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?


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This senior at my school is incredibly rich. His father is in "scrap metal", if you know what I mean. Well, his computer contains an FX-57 (or as he calls it, the 2.8ghz amd) and dual 7800GTXes. He is now giving this computer to a relative and building a "better" one with an X2 and dual 7800GTXes. For the life of me, I cannot convince him that this is NOT an upgrade. He is just so determined to build a new one. He also says he may get an intel quad-core board or something. I just felt like posting this because it is one of those things that irks me.

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LoL. Don't bother convincing him it's not an upgrade, convince him to give it to you! :D


Thats exactly what i would do :P.


Be like sence thats just going to be sititn around can u give it to me? Be his friend (if not already). Rich friends can come in handy :), unless hes just rly rly anyowing and such :P.


And apperently he doesnt know that there is a difference from a gaming computer, server, dual core workstation or w/e u wana call it....


Why dont u try to teach him a little.... that could be an idea :rolleyes:

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Buy him an X2 and trade it for the FX-57. If he is as dumb as you say you could probably pass a slow X2 off for a faster one. Overclock it and if its unstable in his machine call it a peice of . and make him feel that much better.


Edit* Let him do the upgrade and ask him to compare the 3Dmark 05 scores, when he says the X2 scored better you can catch him in a lie and rub it in his face.

Edited by BlitzBomb

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Buy him an X2 and trade it for the FX-57. If he is as dumb as you say you could probably pass a slow X2 off for a faster one. Overclock it and if its unstable in his machine call it a peice of . and make him feel that much better.


Edit* Let him do the upgrade and ask him to compare the 3Dmark 05 scores, when he says the X2 scored better you can catch him in a lie and rub it in his face.


Or grow up and get on with life, you know, whatever.

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I wouldn't even bother talking to someone that dumb. I would just laugh inside at him, See knowing your smarter then most people is good enough for me, unless someone asks me, I don't care.

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Money does not always make you smarter!


becuase you can start paying people to do stuff for you, and there for you can relax... so if i got rich i would become stupider

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Money does not always make you smarter!



In fact it does the opposite, being rich shows your stupidity, cause it's when you have the power to do/buy/build everything, that the intelligent result shows...or not :lol:

There's also a matter of taste but it does not apply here, he wants the best.

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