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I Had Enough!

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I have a nice HSF, designed specifically for overclocking. Plus, I can't hear it at 2500RPM over my PSU. (I'm in the market for a new PSU) But, when I adjust it to 4000RPM....well, that's another story. :P


PS - My HSF: http://www.users-side.co.jp/images/product...gh-pcu21-vg.jpg


(A lot bigger than it looks) ;)

Edited by Gregorama

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ok lets settle this





zalman 7700 or 7000



get a 120 and put that on the back, get a 120, put it on the front, or if you abnsolutly want to be cool, post pics of your setup,i have the same prob, and i find ways to get around it

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i hate to tell you this dude but you dont legally own anything untill your 18 :) even if you bought it


I think he was being sarcastic... ;)


If the temps are close to the same, don't bother putting the fans back in. Unless you're doing some hard core overclocking or benching, it's not necessary to have your PC that cool. A few degrees warmer might be worth the decrease in sound. I'd suggest Zalman or Panaflo fans if you're looking to replace anything. And PSU's are often (not always) the biggest noisemakers in a computer.

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I think most people emphasize too much on temps. I mean its nice to have 28C but honestly, it can run about 40C (50C?!) and won't do a thing to the lifespan of ur system, unless you plan on using it for 30 years. I dunno maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm not.

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no cnu was right you dont leagly own anything even if you bought it with a job that you have until your 18


anyway if my parents pulled the cord out of my computer.


The die on the cpu downstairs whould mystersily crack

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if my parents did that to me

id just pull the plug on the tv at random times when they're watching

claim it's wasting power and nothing good was on



yah, because thats just like them pulling the plug out of the computer when he's not at home.

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Maybe some respect is needed - possibly both directions. If you are ticked about your parents shutting of your computer when it's not in use, maybe ask them nice to not do it; show/explain how it's bad for the system, and how little power it can be pulling when it's idle. Getting revenge in unequal ways is asking for more trouble.


Or, just get a watercooling setup or a very quiet (heatpipe?) HSF. After it's super quiet, try disconnecting any UV/led lights to pretend it's off.

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Quote Sykocus: "when you're paying your portion of the morgage you can tell them that."

And quote answer:


WHAT?!?!?! what yur saying is my parents can do whatever they want to my stuff,even if they bought it? thats so freaking stupid.



Sadly, when you're living under someone else's roof even if it's your parents you're under their rules and regulations peoples tend to forget that even mention that "I" got this and that while they never contributed one cent (and this goes for many great computer parts aquired at birthdays) be happy that you get all the freedom you have with your hard earned dough and that you dont have to spend it on a mortgage or >someone else's clothes < etc.It's never fun to be confronted with reality but everyone has to one day or the other.Try to talk to them and compromise that's always the best answer and if they dont bend well ....It's their house and it's their names on the bill

I know i will not make friends with this post but i like sykocus and others i know the hard lessons of life

And come to think of it if you eat and sleep, your clothes are washed etc etc etc what you think is yours isn't really yours cause you owe them a thousand times that much. Just chew on this for a while before throwing a tornado in the house cause you cant fold 24/7.

Edited by kobalt

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