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Looks Like Folding Forums Are Dead


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Well with everyone quiting folding because of summer, and the contest over everything seems to be dead in the Folding Forums and we are going to get run over by Custom PC quicker and the days to catch the team in 22nd are steadly getting more and more, oh well I guess we need another contest or something to get more people back to Folding!




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I understand the importance of the folding group and the competition is a great thing, but you will have to excuse my ignorance as I am new. I think I could snatch up some olf Pentium III units for a few hundred dollars and use them to fold. I have a 4 port Netgear router, so I should only need networking cards for the old rigs to fold right?

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I dont see why everyone stops in the summer... just open a window


wellf or thoes paying for their own electric bill, it not only costs extra to run the PC 24/7 in the summer, but think of the fans/AC unit usage that adds to the bill bc you have all these PCs running.


EDIT: oh and btw mine asre still running as usual

Edited by cchalogamer

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I was folding for a little over two years, but I finally stopped folding for OCC. My username didn't match my name here, so I never got access to the forums. It was frustrating to support the team for so long and still not be able to feel included. I am going to start folding under the name 'ravix' soon, but another team has won my wu's :P


Its for a good cause, and I don't see any reason to stop in the summer. :shrug:



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all mine are still going and will stay going plus i finally added the sempron 2200 to my lil folding army


i still may also see about adding a few older celerons to my mix also 600,700,1300 are the procs i still have extra by intel and i have a slot A 700 amd proc too

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the only reason my production will go down durring ht summer is that i will leave school, as will several friends who fold under my name, that means compters will onyl fold when in use, nto 24/7 anymore... electric bills., nto heat....

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well our production has been going done for a while now. we can't really blame it much on the summer.


contest do help draw people's attention to the team, but as long as people do what they can, it's all you can hope for.


on the upside, in the past month i've been able to pretty much double my production.

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