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Yeesh, I haven't played in almost a week now, hasn't really occured to me to even log in since I got my PSP, and DW5 for the PS2..... this is all some sort of plan by Sony to steal my money and bring me over to the dark side....

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I dont think ill ever get sick of wow.


anyway whats a good mid level (41) instance for a rogue. I want some new armor. Ive been using the same dang hunters armor that i got at level 35 in STV (hunters camp)

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I'm inches away from 60, and I don't seen anything to stop me from playing. :P Not even my PSP can tear me away from WoW. ;) Though it does come in handy while your sitting there waiting for a group/raid to fill up, or on those long flights between Darkshore and Feathermoon. :P


As far as an instance to do in the 40-ish area... I think that Scarlet Monastery is right in that range. Maybe RFD also. To be honest, it's been a while since I've been there, and don’t remember. I'll look into it some more when I get home from work.


If nothing else, you could always check the AH for armor, or have a leatherworker make you some. :P



Also, any of the "gathering" resources are nice for making money. Skinning, Herbilism, or mining. Some of the higher end ore for mining sells for 4-5 gold on our server, and there is never enough in the AH. :P



On a side note, I hit 300 Blacksmithing/Weaponsmithing skill last night. :) Now it'll be easier to save $$.

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I took advantage of the server transfer and transfered my Paladin to Bloodscalp, made a Horde alt on Shattered Hand (server I moved from). Played him a bit, up to 22, now focusing on a Night Elf Druid on Shadow Moon. I have friends that play on Shadow Moon and absolutely won't move, so I've got to build up there.

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I'm glad I didn't switch servers. I gave it a bit of thought at first, but really didn't want to move from a East Coast server to a West Coast one. Well, that and most of the people that I know in game stayed on Bleeding Hollow, so it's all good. :P


For the first time ever, I had a moment where my main character (Hyglak - 60 Human Warrior) had over 100 gold. I sold a lightforge belt in the AH for about 95 gold. $-)


I'm down to about 60 gold now after training, repairing (darn 4 gold repairs), buying a few smith plans, and distributing some of the gold out to alternate characters.


I saw a Warrior / Pally book in the AH (Foror's something of dragon slaying) for over 1000g. Apparently it drops in Dire Maul, so I'm going to hit that instance this week and see if I can find it. Need to go there anyway since I have the Codex of Defense quest to turn in.


The game has gotten more fun at 60. Cannot wait till Battlegrounds come out.

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d3 u need to get that book, it has a quest in which you need the breath of onyxia for it. The reward is by far the best in the game. A 1h (ONE HANDED) sword with 53.2 (around) DPS. ONE HANDED!!! its so good. The same as most 2h weapons. OMG u needz that. GL hope u get it

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And then there's me, who has yet to touch WoW in about 2 weeks..... so many other new games drawing my interest, despite the fact that I have 2 chars past level 40, 3 that are within 5 levels of 40, and a bunch over 20.


I know I should get back to it soon, but sadly it hasn't really sparked my interest in a good while.

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