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Had Some Spare Time!

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:sleep: hi all, jump found this web site and i am impressed, this it the case mod i have been working of and would like to show it to the wise old world of occ, tell me what you all think of it. RAM-HARDMODS




BIG jay................

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Wow, thats awesome. I love original stuff like that, i'm always thinkin of something nobody has done before or isnt real common (i have custom acrylic flat toped dome blowhole, actual processor badge,drive bay windows, etc)...i love to stand out and be original, and dont think a couple of LEDs in a stock store-bought case constitutes being "mods" :P. I think my next mod will be custom lighted feet to lift the case like a lil in the air, and replace a large part of the case floor with a window, and mount an LED intake fan under the clear floor...still workin on designs with SolidWorks for the feet ;)...dont take my ideas!!!lol.


Oh, I know your stereo-pc has lots of fans, but I cant help but wonder what are the temps?

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