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Omg Huge Ticket


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be happy with the fine, he could have taken your liscense, towed your car, and taken you directly to jail for that high over the limit


you'll pay dearly for insurance now.....god i do not envy you




actully they will only cut up your licence if your doing twice the limit.


still tho. if u were doing that many miles/h then you prolly should of gotten abigger ticket

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my most costly talk to a cop was $500 but that was 2 tickets


i actually got 2 tikets and 1 warning on that lil occasion lol

ticket 1: over tire size dimensions (more wieght than the tires could hold)

ticket 2: over length (50' long i-beams on a 40' trailer)

warning : being completely overweigth (truck was registered for 42,800 pounds when he rolled me across the scale i was just shy of 50,000 pounds


best part i didnt have to pay the tickets because they were not moving violations so the company paid them :)


i was so pissed at the officer by the time it was over i was givin a choice to ride in his front seat to the motel or ride in the backseat to jail i choose front seat


i blew out the clutch and pilot shaft on the tranny following him back to the scale house and could only get the truck in granny gear aka 5mph and he made me drive like that almost 3 miles doing more damage to the tranny

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Hehe, got you all beat, THANK GOD I knew the cop, never will I do this again, saved me a ticket that would haunt me now. One night I got pissed off at the gf and decided to take out my anger on my Charger. Well, bad enough it was at 3am and alot of horsepower to begin with, but w/ 2 freshly installed NOS tanks?? 1 was set for an extra 150hp and the other, appley named, sucide tank, was set at a modest 250hp. make a long story short, C-470 out here in Colorado is long and straite. So long and straite that when I blew by her, (the cop), I hit exactly 182mph. The rest is for another time, but as it stands now, I think I could break 200...........j/k

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actully they will only cut up your licence if your doing twice the limit.


still tho. if u were doing that many miles/h then you prolly should of gotten abigger ticket



ask a state trooper, last i checked, at least in georgia anything over 20(might be 25)mph over the limit if a major offense and they can basically lock you up, revoke your liscense for a year and impound your car, then there's the $$$$, reinstating your liscense even after the one year costs $225

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110 in a 60


jesus 6 points off


what's the biggest ticket you guys have gotten?



Was that all you got? suprised you didn't get reckless driving and/or exibition of speed. Many places they'll arrest you and impound your car on the spot.


If you're going that fast (and got caught) then thats what you deserve.


my worst "incident" was 80 in a 40, improper passing and reckless driving. came out to over $300. I deserved it, but the only reason i got the reckless driving was beause cop was a weekend warrior and i was in uniform, and i think he was trying to flex his muscles.


Most recently i got an 80 in a 70. when the cop walked up he said "i got you going 80 in a 70. Because over 80 the fine doubles and you can't take traffic school." i got lucky that time.

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ask a state trooper, last i checked, at least in georgia anything over 20(might be 25)mph over the limit if a major offense and they can basically lock you up, revoke your liscense for a year and impound your car, then there's the $$$$, reinstating your liscense even after the one year costs $225




In canada its twice the limit. but then again we drive alot slower. our speedlimits are about 60 km/h


actully i didnt see the subtitle (having replied to the thred off the lil thing on the front page) but 440 is quite a bit.

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