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What Do You Do When...


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You love someone, they love you, and you've being together for almost a year... but you're starting to feel like you've having trouble relating to them... even though it was never an issue before.





And you can't imagine life without them...

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Aaaaah 14 huh? Let me remember my highschool days... And my advice is: if you are getting poon--stay and take advantage of it, if not, move on buddy. You high school days are too short to waste on a failing/confused relationship. Get out while you can and find a better girl, dont wither away with this one and regret it later. "Can't live without"--please, shows you are too inexperienced man, and too needy.

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Do you realize how stupid that makes you seem? I don't mean to be rude, but if that was your solution to your problem. Is it a disorder or something? Maybe you should be checked out man... one of my friends almost did that because of a mental condition, so if you're serious... I apologize. But think about things like that and how selfish you're being to everyone else.

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jesus kb, didnt i tell u to stop posting these dumb @#$ threads like 5 billion times seriously go take your mental problems elsewhere. First today u post about 9/11, then about ur gf dumping u WHY WOULD WE CARE

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Do you realize how stupid that makes you seem? I don't mean to be rude, but if that was your solution to your problem. Is it a disorder or something? Maybe you should be checked out man... one of my friends almost did that because of a mental condition, so if you're serious... I apologize. But think about things like that and how selfish you're being to everyone else.

exactly. Suicide is a selfish means of dealing with problems.

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Last advice: seek professional help or counseling. Suicide is committed by people who are screaming for help but dont know how to vocally call out for help. Seriously dude, nothing in life is worth killing yourself for.


On a side note, maybe your girlfriend is quite stressed over constantly monitoring you and worrying about when you might do it again. It is only natural for her to distance herself to not offend you in anyway or to relieve the pressure off of herself. If you really care about her/yourself get help immediately.

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suicide is the cowards way out. A real man or woman faces their problems not run away from them or try to take an easy way out. Grow up! Live life! ENJOY Life! Remember you only get to live it once.

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r_g......what is your problem, the kid clearly needs help and he is seeking someone. We may not be the right ones to help him but atleast hes talking to someone about it. If you dont think he shouldnt be posting these threads, then dont read them, simple as that.


As for kamikazi, man like everyone said, there will always be someone better, alot of people now a days stay with someone because they are afriad they wont find someone better when in reality, you will, as long as your willing to wait for that right person.


I know you have posted before about your issues and I like many others here think you should go seek professional help. I am not 100% sure on this, but if your afraid of your parents finding out, which i can understand if you do, you have to suck in the gut and tell them you need and want help, its your best solution man. I dont want to read in the paper Kamikaze_Badger from OCC died today from such and such a reason. Make the call to someone, dont be weak and take your life.

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