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A Pick Of Mobos

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well i'm building a new system for myself, and i'm on a tight budget. i decided to buy a p4 2.4c, even though i know i could get amd for cheaper, but i think i'll stick with p4. so i thought i'd run the parts by the smart people of occ and get their opinions before i order everything.

for the mobo, i'm looking at these:

1) http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-127-156&depa=1

2) http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-185-034&depa=1

3) http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-131-504&depa=1

4) http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-183-008&depa=1

5) http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc....-131-500&depa=1

(i also have a old WD EIDE 100 gig harddrive in my closet that i never used, so i probably might just plug that in to use til i can save up again for a larger drive)


so think you wise people can check our the mobos and let me know what u think? or have any other picks?

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you picked 5 piles of poop personally



pick something that has an agp slot, not made by ECS (pc chips, matsoinic, abit) or syntax.



dfi ps83-bl or msi 848 neo or asus p4p800 (no deluxe), gigabyte.... something along those lines.

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you picked 5 piles of poop personally


pick something that has an agp slot, not made by ECS (pc chips, matsoinic, abit) or syntax.



dfi ps83-bl or msi 848 neo or asus p4p800 (no deluxe), gigabyte.... something along those lines.

what about:




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What i've seen is mostly ppl have Asus P4800 or something dont know the model. I have the IS7-E. (dont like it )Works great. But if you want something good and last you for a pretty good amount of time. I would pick the IC7-MAX3 if that cost too much for you. I would Pick the IC7 or IC7-G(I'm an Abit FAN LOL) i love Abit becuase well you can update your Bios using Windows. Check out some other technology they have. I don't want to argue with bigred. :) Just buy these brands.. Abit, Asus, MSI, DFI. Thats all the brands most ppl use. But mostly DFI for OC and Abit and Asus. But not MSI...(too much software to install) Also my friend has the 2.8 prescott, he says runs pretty good. So the best chance you have is to Research all your Brands and Models. Which has the least Negatives. that would be your best chance. And look for chipset i875... HOPE IT HELPS!


You mite want AMD too... AMD64 new technology. Up to you.


look for 875 chipsets

looks for DFI ABIT ASUS

Research those models

try to spend over 100 for mobo. Thats what i learned...

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We all have our opinions but my brother has an abit IC-7 and has a 1 gig oc on his 2.4c . I have the IC-7 max 3 and have an 800 mhz oc on my 3.0c. The DFI is good also but get the 875 chipset infinity if you dont want all the uv goodies. :foldon::foldon:

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Out of those last 3, I'd take the DFI. But It depends on your RAM. If you have some really good RAM, an Asus P4P800 will save you a lot of $$ on the mobo. If your RAM is sheit, pick an 875 chipset and pay the extra cost.

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Well I do plan on OCing, thats why I'm getting the p4 2.4c, since you can OC those. Since I'm going to spend a lot more on my Mobo then planned, I think I'll have to put off buying the liquid cooling system, and good ram for the time being.

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