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Vga Silencer

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I just wana know how much did people with ATI cards and this cooler gain in OC-ing their cards. Could you just post your clock speed before and after the VGA silencer. Also whats up with the revisions... Are they generaly better if the revision is newer or are they the same just fitting other cards.

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Revisions are basically the same thing, but fit more/less versions of card (the rev. 3 fits most)


As for pre and post silencer Overclocks.. here are mine.


9800 Pro stock timings of 378 core and 338 mem


With stock heatsink max stable OC (no artifacting) -


400mhz core 355mhz mem


With VGA silencer rev 3 on high fan setting -


435mhz core 370mhz mem

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Max OC before VGA Silencer: 410/375


Max OC after VGA Slencer and some homemade RAMsinks: 445/390


Those are boot up and run 24/7 numbers, not "cold room only" or suicide runs.


I'm sure the new ones are even better.

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I used one with my old 9700np flashed to 9700pro.


Highest with POS stock cooler: 330/340

Highest with VGA silencer Rev. 2: 350/350


And my particular R300 core was VERY picky...regardless of cooling, it would not go over 350 core...even watercooled with a dangerden maze4 gpu block it could not go above 350.

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Darn.. mine seems a bit low now.. may have to stick some ram sinks on it and push it a bit more.. I haven't pusshed it that hard so far anyway, haven't had the need.

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I found that a high core doesnt give u as well a results in benchmarks as a high memory does. so i was trying my hardest to push the memory. maybe ill invent cut 8 3" peices of copper and thermal pad them on there.

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Well, when I finished installing the VGA silncer, I hard light artifacting on games and benches, so i turned down the mem (I figured it was the mem) until they went away. Besides, I think the 50MHz on the core helped me more then the 10 on the mem :P

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