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AMD vs. Intel

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Man Taz, AthlonXP are gonna be phased out and so is the 5600Ultra so i guess you can call that Retro and get yourself some new stuff aye.. No but seriously the first comp i ever built was on a Celeron 1.7, i was a noob then and thought that it was all about speed. I have since then built 2 AMD systems and 2 Intel systems.. My XP couldn't hang that well with my P4's but that was then.. And now im about to Upgrade and im gonna choose AMD for this one.. AND yes it used to be personal preference but know come on its all about AMD.. Once Intel gets their butts in line, i would be interested to see what they come up with.

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I agree their. But I think when intel gets it together in the 64 bit depatrment we will see some cool stuff. If past preformance norms hold true my guss is that intel will be faster. We all know how althlon xp & p4 contests go.


I've been an amd fan for somthing like 5 years now. Mostly due to the ability to unlock, oc, and preformance to price rateo. Lately, I'm annoyed that amd keeps making it harder to unlock the procs. Now we have to scrape epoxy or short pins, and could they make the L1s any smaller? With intel if you get a good mobo all you have to do is up the fsb a bunch & wahoo! 3.xghz! I'm starting to get mad at both companies in the pricing area.


So bottem line me = :unsure::huh:


drops two pennies.

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:withstupid: the primary reason I went with AMD this time around was because of price, and overclockability.

yah, but from a certin point of view those two selloing points are becoming less valad. Thats what my oc expirences tell me. 2500 @ 3200 thats easy, anything beond that was not so easy.

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I agree their. But I think when intel gets it together in the 64 bit depatrment we will see some cool stuff. If past preformance norms hold true my guss is that intel will be faster. We all know how althlon xp & p4 contests go.


I've been an amd fan for somthing like 5 years now. Mostly due to the ability to unlock, oc, and preformance to price rateo. Lately, I'm annoyed that amd keeps making it harder to unlock the procs. Now we have to scrape epoxy or short pins, and could they make the L1s any smaller? With intel if you get a good mobo all you have to do is up the fsb a bunch & wahoo! 3.xghz! I'm starting to get mad at both companies in the pricing area.


So bottem line me = :unsure::huh:


drops two pennies.

:withstupid: yup.. same hear.. i cant wait till the itanium 2 comes out :D

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the Itanium 2 IS out...it has been for over a year, at least. Problem is they cost about 1500 bucks each, and aren't x86 compliant. (read: no windows for them) Notice that microsoft explicitly says that 64-bit windows xp will NOT run on the Itanium/Itanium 2 chips.

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Some of you may say that the P4 isn't comparable to the A64, and that's partially true. However, it still stands that AMD makes a overall faster CPU (check benchmarks) that beats anything Intel's got to offer.


On the side, why did Intel even bother releasing the Prescott? It seems like a total waste to me. It runs even slower than the Northwoods due to the larger pipeline, and it runs really hot. Intel needs to get with the program and spit something out that's 64 bit and doesn't use RAW MEGAHERTZ to acheive performance.

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:withstupid: Yeah, I agree. I think it was a big mistake for Intel to release a 2.4 Prescott...that thing is simply not fast enough. How many of you intel guys would honestly rather have a 2.4E than a 2.4C? I know that if I were going to build a p4 system I would certainly go with a northwood...Intel's best chip (and wow was northwood a great core! Probably their best ever) is not their newest one...that is a problem, since what will happen when they phase out northwood? I would seriously consider building a northwood based system, but I would NOT build a prescott system.

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Man Taz, AthlonXP are gonna be phased out and so is the 5600Ultra so i guess you can call that Retro and get yourself some new stuff aye..

I know... I've been watching prices lately, and the 2500+ Barton CPU is available @ $115.00 AUD :O last month it was @ $135.00 AUD


You're right they're Retro now... so I can upgrade to them (eventually) ;)


But I think I'll get a Radeon 9800Pro over the 5600 Ultra :P




Yeah, tell me about it. My celeron 466 beats the living crap out of my k6-2 @ 428. Let's just say that AMD didn't figure it out until the athlon hit. The rest is history.


Actually the K63+'s were comparable to the then current Intel's (having similar size/speed cache to the Celeron II) ;)


But those K63's were/are overpriced IMO :P

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Yeah, but the k6-3 wasn't released until the dead last minute before the athlon was launched anyway...the thing was fast as heck, but was based on an already-dead socket design. If I remember correctly, AMD even recalled a bunch of them (I think the 550mhz model) because it was actually encroaching on the athlon's performance, and they needed to give people a reason to switch to slot A instead of sticking with socket 7. I have never actually seen a k6-3 in real life. :(

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