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AMD vs. Intel

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intel calls it 800mhz it's really 200mhz

amd calls it 400mhz it's really 200mhz

apple pulls numbers out thier arses (I still can't figure out where in the heck they come up with those numbers)

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intel calls it 800mhz it's really 200mhz

amd calls it 400mhz it's really 200mhz

apple pulls numbers out thier arses (I still can't figure out where in the heck they come up with those numbers)

i figured it out this is how macs get there mhz

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  • 3 weeks later...

Both chips are really good. i have AMD 64bit and AMD 2800 before i got them i had an intel but like i said they are both great chips. cost well u ask anyone AMD is cheaper as of performance well there are alot of things that can change that in both systems.

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I know... I've been watching prices lately, and the 2500+ Barton CPU is available @ $115.00 AUD :O last month it was @ $135.00 AUD


You're right they're Retro now... so I can upgrade to them (eventually) ;)


But I think I'll get a Radeon 9800Pro over the 5600 Ultra :P






Actually the K63+'s were comparable to the then current Intel's (having similar size/speed cache to the Celeron II) ;)


But those K63's were/are overpriced IMO :P

Get Ati Nvidia Sucks Things below the belt , I love AMD hate intel , I just dont feel that Intel makes good chips for gaming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use my computer primarily for gaming. One game I used to play alot was DAoC. I evently started running two instances of it for various reasons. One main problem was that which ever instance was in the back ground would studder. If I set the character in background to follow my main character, slowly the backgound character would start to lag off to the point that he my main to too far away to be auto-followed.


I heard that the hyper-threading got rid of this.


Soon I will be building a new computer. Price doesn't really matter. How does the amd64 do with running multiple processes compared to the p4?

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