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George W. Bush


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George W. Bush lowered taxes so that big corporations, oil companies, Republicans, Rush Limbaugh, SUV owners, and gun owners could oppress minorities.




Edited by andrusk

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George W. Bush invaded Iraq so that oil companies, white men, and SUV owners could steal from The French.


George W. Bush has not captured Osama bin Laden so that gun owners could kill welfare recipients.


George W. Bush allowed 9/11 to happen so that big corporations and oil companies could offend Muslims.


George W. Bush had Michael Jackson arrested so that white men could steal from minorities.

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Decided to keep on hitting the random button till I got something Funny:


-George W. Bush rigged the 2000 election so that Ann Coulter could kill transgendered people. :lol:

<--Couldn't even figure out how to make that one manually. :unsure:

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George W. Bush caused the Cubs to lose to the Marlins in Game 7 of the National League Championship Series so that big corporations, Republicans, and the Christian Coalition could conquer The French.


Sometimes, you just don't wanna know... :P


EDIT: This one was random, I swear!


George W. Bush had Michael Jackson arrested so that Ann Coulter could invade transgendered people.


And sometimes, you DO wanna know ;)

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George W. Bush allowed 9/11 to happen so that The Jews could kill The French.


I was waiting for something better, it is only a copy/paste :rolleyes:

Edited by tarkins

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