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A lot of them will give up when they get the electric bill

True! I did the math and it comes out to $23 per card a month for me. But the return is much much higher. If the value of BTC drops to like $100 than it won't be worth it.

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At this point my electric bill is about what I expected with a visitor for a couple weeks that had a computer on 24/7 along with the plasma TV in that room on for 20 hours a day. No worse than when I had the pool in the back yard. Even with the jump in electricity it still pays out handsomely for the time I had the cards running.  If the price does tank the ROI is not there. But as of right now :wave:

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At this point my electric bill is about what I expected with a visitor for a couple weeks that had a computer on 24/7 along with the plasma TV in that room on for 20 hours a day. No worse than when I had the pool in the back yard. Even with the jump in electricity it still pays out handsomely for the time I had the cards running.  If the price does tank the ROI is not there. But as of right now :wave:


I'm not so worried about the price tanking. I'm more worried about the amount of participants doubling (or more) again this month. If that happens and the value of the FLDC does not go up, it may not be worth it (for me at least) to fold.


I also much prefer the daily payouts from mining, as I can trade the coins immediately instead of having to wait till the first weekend of every month. I'm just worried that I put all four cards on F@H along with a bunch of other folks looking to earn a bunch of coin and it turns out that it would have been better to just mine with them the entire time. Time will tell though lol

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This last month was 54,237.2263 with two 1070s and two 1080ti month before with four 1070s was 86,827.558 FLDC so there is more people for sure, like anything else and just like mining if there is something to be made people gonna jump on the band wagon...


I got top folder back when I started with 5-7970s

Edited by road-runner

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Yeah according to the FLDC website in march there were 633 folders, and last month there were 1,126.., so basically doubled.




And yeah, mining is worse as far as people jumping on the bandwagon. Just look at the network charts, eth for example. It's just the daily payouts and statistics, versus having to wait a month to see what happens. I'm still gonna play with FLDC, because it's fun to play with these coins and the 1080's were specifically for fldc. It's just that month wait time to see how well you did makes me anxious...


If you are doing it to contribute to the research though, it probably doesn't bother you one bit.

Edited by scr4wl

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I got 2 more 1080 Ti coming Monday. At worst I can sell the cards for $500 each and break even. Best is around 500% return annually. I fee like even if BTC becomes worthless tomorrow after I sell the cards I would only take a few hundred loss. If It lasts another month, I break even and It goes 3 months I've made money. Plus the more people getting coins the higher the value is. So your less coins holds more value.


I guess I should add that unless your folding with a 1070, 1080 or 1080TI/Titan its not worth it. like my GTX 960 gets 100k PPD or 3mill a month which translates to about $30 in folding coins (at current market). After $15 in power you only get $15. Than you have transfer fees and the wear on the card makes it at best breaking even, the worst you are losing money. You need to be getting 500K PPD or more a day to be worth it. Of course folding just for science in a different story, but people doing the coin thing aren't thinking about that first.

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That math doesn't include the growing ppd, which could quickly change things. Last distribution was for 7,919,902,660, this time 13,012,374,636. Just between you and I you can already expect that to go up at least another 186,000,000 (6 1080ti's so let's say 3 per person). If just 100 additional people each with 3 1080s were to join the points would go up by 18,600,000,000! That's a lot less fldc each month considering they distribute a fixed amount per day (which will eventually halve).


I don't know that everyone trying out fldc would go and buy 3 1080tis, but there were an additional 493 folders this month trying out fldc. Those people (Provided they had the right hardware) saw that foldingcoin, right now, is more lucrative then mining.., I think it's safe to say that we are gonna see another huge increase at the next distribution.


That said, the value of folding coin has been going up.., we just have to see if it goes up enough to compensate for less coin.

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And I have two more 1080ti in route will be here Saturday supposedly...    :whistling:dD

Danm you! How will I ever pass your 1 billion points and be number 1...

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And I have two more 1080ti in route will be here Saturday supposedly...    :whistling:dD

Danm you! How will I ever pass your 1 billion points and be number 1...



Lol guess you need to order two more ... Cant wait till winter to crank everything up should be over 8 mil per day

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On a side note I'm glad people are folding again (including myself). This stuff is actually really important if your human and want to live an extra long life. And if coins help people fold again and even just enough to offset the cost than I'm okay with it.

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And I have two more 1080ti in route will be here Saturday supposedly...    :whistling:dD

Danm you! How will I ever pass your 1 billion points and be number 1...



Lol guess you need to order two more ... Cant wait till winter to crank everything up should be over 8 mil per day


It's been way too hot here to run everything... though I have been thinking about replacing my 1060's folding in the back room with 1080ti's


on that note, is there any particular brand or card I should look for or all all the 1080ti's pretty much the same

Edited by Hyper

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