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Having spend 15 years as an alignment tech, hate to tell you but there's no rear toe adjustment (unless you have rear steering). If yer rear toe is out, you got something bent or tweaked back there.Easiest way to determine is to measure from the center of the tread to the other side center of tread, on both the front and rear of the tires. Both measurement should be the same or pretty dang close.

You mean for a Focus specifically or all two wheel steering cars?


My Saturn can have its rear toe and camber adjusted (and caster if I wanted to go through the work)

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The Focus has a rear toe adjustment.

Maybe he meant that most alignment techs are lazy and don't bother with it. Truthfully, it is a little bit of a bitch to do *on my car* but what the hell am i paying for then?? I'm glad my friend works at a dealership and we can align it ourselves RIGHT :glare: Can't tell you how many times I got a super small improvement on front Toe and an even smaller tweak of Camber MAYBE but usually not into spec range... "we got it more in spec, it's the best we could do" [/rant] Edited by IVIYTH0S

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Yes, some cars Do have rear toe adjustments but not that many. And sadly I have to say that there are some techs that will skip it. Another issue is how up to date the shop's alignment machine software is. And something else that does effect the quality of the alignment is that the vehicle is loaded as it normally is when aligned. I had one Ford truck that gone aligned to perfect specs. Customer came picked it up and within 30 minutes was back complaining the alignment was off. Put it back on the rack, hooked it up and everything was still in spec. My boss suggested we check the specs with the owner and his son in the truck (both were rather big county boys). Bingo! problem solved the added weight of the driver and his son knocked the alignment out.

Another factor is with suspensions that have been modded, ie: lowered, jacked up etc, the alignment machine software ius programed for factory stock suspension and thus any changes from stock effect the settings. In some extreme cases of suspension mods there is no way to get the car properly aligned. At the shops I've worked at, including one dealership, we would refuse to do an alignment on any vehicle with modded suspension.

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The Focus has a rear toe adjustment.

Maybe he meant that most alignment techs are lazy and don't bother with it. Truthfully, it is a little bit of a bitch to do *on my car* but what the hell am i paying for then?? I'm glad my friend works at a dealership and we can align it ourselves RIGHT :glare: Can't tell you how many times I got a super small improvement on front Toe and an even smaller tweak of Camber MAYBE but usually not into spec range... "we got it more in spec, it's the best we could do" [/rant]



Pretty sure he clearly pointed out his length of knowlege and said that...



There's no rear toe adjustment (unless you have rear steering).


He can switch his mind and agree with you that he meant they were "lazy" but words are words and they have been said!! haha. 



Yes, some cars Do have rear toe adjustments but not that many. And sadly I have to say that there are some techs that will skip it. Another issue is how up to date the shop's alignment machine software is. And something else that does effect the quality of the alignment is that the vehicle is loaded as it normally is when aligned. I had one Ford truck that gone aligned to perfect specs. Customer came picked it up and within 30 minutes was back complaining the alignment was off. Put it back on the rack, hooked it up and everything was still in spec. My boss suggested we check the specs with the owner and his son in the truck (both were rather big county boys). Bingo! problem solved the added weight of the driver and his son knocked the alignment out.

Another factor is with suspensions that have been modded, ie: lowered, jacked up etc, the alignment machine software ius programed for factory stock suspension and thus any changes from stock effect the settings. In some extreme cases of suspension mods there is no way to get the car properly aligned. At the shops I've worked at, including one dealership, we would refuse to do an alignment on any vehicle with modded suspension.


I've had the toe adjusted on the rear before. The shop up the way is decent and does a great job. When I bought the car it was all outta wack and they fixed it right up. It's time to get it done again...I'll take it to the same guys who will do another good job. :)

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Gah -- you guys act like every time I'm going to post pictures it's going to be exciting...


No painting involved this time; so nothing too great :P


So it's a good thing my car can't be adjusted for toe...ROFL (sorry had to poke fun at you kyfire). But here's why I've eaten half the tread off my rear tires in the last 12k miles. :wallbash:




Random bat has been hanging out by our front door. Waco thinks it's funny...just wait till it jumps down and gets him. He's been there three days now, only moving to look around. Creep. 




I busted my knuckle changing out the thermostat. Turns out the plastic battery box is tougher than skin. I was such a girl about it saying "ewww, there's blood on everything". lol. I did spray coolant in my face and make a big mess, but it was fun!! Cleaned it all out when I was done -- everything was green and slick. 






New blower fan got here this weekend too -- finally. So tired of the damn squeeeeeeek, squeeeek. Recharged the A/C last weekend and now she can make cold air without ruckus. Here' the old one, headed to the trash. 




And for all you green wheel haters. I peeled the wheels finally. Learned a lesson in "thin" spots for plasti-dip and have a bit more to clean up around the lugs when I have all the wheels off next. But you can be happy with green chunks instead you big haters... :rolleyes:






Wrapped up with a bath and of course crazy wind saying STORM STORM STORM. Every time I was this car I swear it wants to or does rain. Waco said we can save us from drought if it's ever an issue.





Waco has more "interesting" stuff this week. I just had fix-it stuff. Eventually I will have the fun stuff again. Ordering some paint to paint the car...just gotta get the miata outta my garage first. hahahahahahahahahahaha  :woot:  :woot:  :woot:  :woot:  :woot:






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Eeeeeek! dang girl how'd you drive that mess? Those alignment figures are awful!


BTW, did you find any case screws hidin' in the glovebox?    :D

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