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Xbox ONE games were not running on Xbox ONE hardware, nor a devkit. They were running on HP Windows 7 (not even 8) PCs. Everyone is making a racket about how that means that Microsoft doesn't trust Windows 8, nor it's own Xbox ONE hardware, but I'm sure I'm not the first one to think about what that means about the possible compatibilities between Xbox ONE games and PC...with a lil' bit of emulation... :evilgrin:

Story has been updated. It was only the developer of that game who did that and not all XB1 games. They ran PCs because their game wasn't ready for XB1 yet. Still rather shameful, especially with an overkill rig that is suppose to be comparable to XB1 hardware according to XB1 execs.

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Rumored report M$ will be dropping the internet connectivity and used games policies.

Yep, it's been confirmed. But is it too late to right the ship at this point?

No, it's not too late, provided the new information spreads. Most sales of the console, and possibly even pre-orders (assuming more pre-order units are made in time) will be coming within a month or two prior to release. That is when this kind of information matters most and when the ship needs to be righted.


One thing I would like to say though is that I do believe this is, in a very specific way, a bad day for the video games industry. Used game sales do need to be addressed, and Microsoft was trying to develop a system to do so. Publishers and developers make no money from used game sales now, and what Microsoft described before would have let them have some of that billion-dollar pot. Now that money is going to stay with retailers, as it currently does. Maybe the release-day digital downloads of xBox One games will return some revenue to the publishers and developers, thanks to the convenience, like we PC gamers have with Steam.


By the way, the xBox One is going to be region free. That was also stated in the release about this stuff.

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Rumored report M$ will be dropping the internet connectivity and used games policies.

Yep, it's been confirmed. But is it too late to right the ship at this point?

No, it's not too late, provided the new information spreads. Most sales of the console, and possibly even pre-orders (assuming more pre-order units are made in time) will be coming within a month or two prior to release. That is when this kind of information matters most and when the ship needs to be righted.


It's not about whether there's still time to pre-order, but rather that many gamers have already "chosen a side" and it seemed like a lot of Xbox gamers were jumping ship to PS. Will this move cause those gamers to come back? There will surely be some people that see it as a good thing - that it shows MS listens to the people. But others will just see it as MS were dicks before, why trust them now when Sony never betrayed us? I'm not saying either side is right, but gamers aren't always rational people.


As for used games, I completely agree and wish all three console manufacturers blocked that ability or at the very least did what MS was going to do and do their best to have the studios at least gain some share of the revenue.

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another source for DRM drop its also funny that they swore up and down that the xbox had to have internet for cloud and most games could not run without it. Yet here we are as M$ eats it's own words.


It doesn't matter now, I already pre-ordered the PS4 and about to put my xbox up for sale. On top of not supporting indie devs I would bet money that this is just a move to get you to buy the xbox. After chrismas they will put out a patch disabling half the features if you are not online every 24-hours or even do worse and reverse what they said, get sued but win the case saying you agreed to their terms (which is whatever they feel like).


Here is they short and sweet pros and cons


Xbox and Ps4 have the same parts (99% the same)

Neither has always-on DRM

PSN is cheaper than XBL

Both have Skype, Netflixs, Hulu

Xbox has HDMI in for Cable box intergration

PS4 has cross-play vita support

Xbox has "glass" (same thing but a tablet)


So unless you want to connect your xbox to your tv, which I do not see the point with Netflix or hulu on demand than it comes completely down to the games. Since only a handful of games are exclusive (for real not 6 months to 1 year before the other) its basically a question of is HALO or Titan fall worth a extra $100. For me Titan fall looks awesome and that is what they wanted to make before the infintity guys got fired for wanted to end COD series. Halo on the other hand is old and not even a bungie project anymore. Halo 4 is boring, how is Halo 5 going to any more fun?

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Rumored report M$ will be dropping the internet connectivity and used games policies.

Yep, it's been confirmed. But is it too late to right the ship at this point?

No, it's not too late, provided the new information spreads. Most sales of the console, and possibly even pre-orders (assuming more pre-order units are made in time) will be coming within a month or two prior to release. That is when this kind of information matters most and when the ship needs to be righted.

It's not about whether there's still time to pre-order, but rather that many gamers have already "chosen a side" and it seemed like a lot of Xbox gamers were jumping ship to PS. Will this move cause those gamers to come back? There will surely be some people that see it as a good thing - that it shows MS listens to the people. But others will just see it as MS were dicks before, why trust them now when Sony never betrayed us? I'm not saying either side is right, but gamers aren't always rational people.


As for used games, I completely agree and wish all three console manufacturers blocked that ability or at the very least did what MS was going to do and do their best to have the studios at least gain some share of the revenue.

I don't think made my point well. Most people do not make up their minds until closer to release date, and possibly do not even care until closer to release date. For all but the most interested gamers, E3 even is just a time for awesome trailers to be shown. Those gamers Microsoft can still capture, because they will be mostly untouched by the 'controversy.' Very likely though, those gamers are also the ones who will just purchase the next of whatever they already have, or are playing the most. Looking at Black Friday sales: "Hey, there's a new xBox/Playstation? Cool, gonna get me one of those if they're still in stock. Can't wait for the next CoD to come out!"

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Rumored report M$ will be dropping the internet connectivity and used games policies.

Yep, it's been confirmed. But is it too late to right the ship at this point?

No, it's not too late, provided the new information spreads. Most sales of the console, and possibly even pre-orders (assuming more pre-order units are made in time) will be coming within a month or two prior to release. That is when this kind of information matters most and when the ship needs to be righted.

It's not about whether there's still time to pre-order, but rather that many gamers have already "chosen a side" and it seemed like a lot of Xbox gamers were jumping ship to PS. Will this move cause those gamers to come back? There will surely be some people that see it as a good thing - that it shows MS listens to the people. But others will just see it as MS were dicks before, why trust them now when Sony never betrayed us? I'm not saying either side is right, but gamers aren't always rational people.


As for used games, I completely agree and wish all three console manufacturers blocked that ability or at the very least did what MS was going to do and do their best to have the studios at least gain some share of the revenue.

I don't think made my point well. Most people do not make up their minds until closer to release date, and possibly do not even care until closer to release date. For all but the most interested gamers, E3 even is just a time for awesome trailers to be shown. Those gamers Microsoft can still capture, because they will be mostly untouched by the 'controversy.' Very likely though, those gamers are also the ones who will just purchase the next of whatever they already have, or are playing the most. Looking at Black Friday sales: "Hey, there's a new xBox/Playstation? Cool, gonna get me one of those if they're still in stock. Can't wait for the next CoD to come out!"


Yes, there will surely be those that will simply buy whatever they already have (360 to XBO, PS3 to PS4), but then those people would have been unaffected by whatever MS chose to do anyway. In other words, those people who didn't care before, aren't going to care now...so those "sales" are unaffected by the news. As such, this really only matters for the people who did care, and what I'm saying is I can see it going both ways - some people already jumping ship and not willing to go back, while others will be like, "okay, they listened...power to the people, I'm back on board with MS!"

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Some features are being cut now because of the Internet requirement removal. Family sharing and digital cloud library are gone, plus there'll be a "Day One" patch to download to enable the offline mode.



Btw, HBC, Titanfall is coming to the PC too. Oh, and the 360. It's not an Xbox One exclusive by any means.

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