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NVIDIA GTX 660Ti Reviewed


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Are we really to the point where we're going to get mad over extra features in a product? There's no way the extra SLI fingers cost anything more to produce...so why are people so mad that you have the option to have an amazingly powerful setup for zero added cost? :blink:


The GTX 660 Ti performs just fine at 5760x1080. No, it can't handle it with a single card, but with multiple? OF COURSE IT CAN. :lol:


Just to set the record straight

If you read my original post of the question, which I will quote once again:


I still don't get why Nvidia decides to enable Tri-SLI when even a single 660ti was meant to take anything thrown at it in 1080p. :dunno:


.. is just me wondering why Nvidia enabled Tri-SLI on the 660Ti and is, IMO, in no way complaining about the extra features. The 460 & 560Ti was limited to two-card config (probably due to the GF110 limitation?) and so I was just wondering, why the change?


Are we really to the point where we're going to get mad over extra features in a product? There's no way the extra SLI fingers cost anything more to produce...so why are people so mad that you have the option to have an amazingly powerful setup for zero added cost? :blink:


Now this was somewhat what I wanted to hear. I was under the assumption that Nvidia was just wasting time & money (and passing it out to the public) adding the SLI finger and doing something to 'force' enable Tri -SLI, despite knowing that people would most likely get 7950 instead like what I posted above.

If it didn't cost Nvidia a cent to produce that extra SLI finger, then I can only sigh in my failed attempt to argue a price drop of the 660Ti :ouch:


The GTX 660 Ti performs just fine at 5760x1080. No, it can't handle it with a single card, but with multiple? OF COURSE IT CAN. :lol:


To sum up my opinion on this (hypothetical and assuming that 30 FPS is the baseline of 'playable'):

1st. Scenario: 2x660Ti in Surround in BF3 ~25FPS while 2x7950 in Surround in BF3 ~40FPS.

Would I pay the extra $40 for a dual 7950 and get the 15 FPS boost for a total of 40FPS while gaming surround? Yes.

2nd. Scenario: 2x660Ti in Surround in BF3 ~ 45FPS while 2x7950 in surround in BF3 ~60FPS

Would I pay the extra $40 for a dual 7950 and get the 15 FPS boost for a total of 60FPS while gaming surround? No.

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Forgot to mention, I've really enjoyed the review. :thumbsup: <-- to both the reviewers. (i.e. ccokeman, BluePanda)

ABout 660ti, I hope that the price will come down after ~1 month just for its own shake.

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Here in australia you can get 7950s for $60-80 LESS than 660Ti's


This could be problematic for sales, but these stupid prices are the fault of distributors


And there you get to the heart of the matter for you. It comes down to greed and kick backs for sales targets just like any where else.

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And there you get to the heart of the matter for you. It comes down to greed and kick backs for sales targets just like any where else.


Yeah, any new tech is horribly marked up here for the first 4-6 months, then it goes down a little.


At launch 7970s were $800 here, and 680s were $850 for reference cards, now the 7950 is not as new, so prices have relaxed, but the 660Ti is marked up plenty (20-30%)

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The GTX 660 TI and surround performance:


Seems my hypothesis wasn't too far off, wish he got Witcher 2 working almost was a shut out :lol: . 670 got a slight comeback in Metro, I wonder if it being a relatively linear/indoor kinda game helped?

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The GTX 660 TI and surround performance:




Okay nice video but utterly USELESS!!! nVidia has been very clear the 660Ti like the AMD 7800 series is geared toward single monitor 1080 resolution game play. Now why is this so hard for people to understand? It is nuts to me that so many people are testing this card at higher resolutions when nVidia has been clear of the target.

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It drives you nuts that people test at higher resolutions? Why? It performs just fine in Surround IMHO...as long as you aren't expecting to max everything out.



Besides...when has Nvidia said anything like that?

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