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Reason number 475000

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The pump in the wife's rig started to sound it had some elves with hammers beating away at the inside of it and decided to re do the loop. Just a cautionary tale that has been told numerous times. Dont; use any type of dye in your loop or you could end up with an expensive problem. I have used plenty of fluids without this result but finding purple fluid is like finding the holy grail..... :doh:


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We know you did this on purpose so you could use it as a teaching moment for the rest of us! Thanks for sacrificing your water block in order that we might learn. (We are not worthy).

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Is royal purple coolant purple???? Maybe use that. For my next loop Im going to say screw it and use some Mercedes antifreeze. That way there will never be an issue period.

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On a more serious note, I've been using Primochill Black Ice for several years now (including colored) and while it stains my clear hoses a little bit, I haven't seen any evidence of deposits or other gunk when I've disassembled my blocks for cleaning. I know many consider distilled water and a kill coil world class practice, others use high quality European automotive coolant etc. so I'm not posting to start a debate. But just sharing my own experience with that particular product. No, I don't own any interest or stock in Primochill :)

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Was the dye used a paste type which was squeezed into the loop? It does not look as if the dye was mixed into the fluid. Blocking all those pins will reduce the cooling surface area they create.

Did the pump upchuck some object that it sucked in? Maybe stirring the dye and fluid before filling is a better idea.

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