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Massive Torchlight Giveaway [WINNERS ANNOUNCED!]


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Okay I will take a stab at a Torchlight II...


My all time favorite FPS series is the Thief Series. I love the challenge and absolute need to pay extreme attention to your environment. I mean lets get real anyone can pull out a big gun and go shooting away. The need to learn when NOT to fight is amuch more diffcult skill to master. The series made some of the best use of computer sound systems of any game I have ever seen, the graphics for their day were really good and the game play was an adrenalin rush as you had to apistakingly work your way through each mission. Nothing has touched it before or since.

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Torchlight 2 please! I LOVED Torchlight 1!



My favorite FPS game...... I'd have to say the original F.E.A.R. (NOT 2 or 3)


Why? It scared the bejeebus out of me, and if i played through it again now, it would still scare the bejeebus out of me. It was a beautiful and demanding game in it's time, gameplay was fun and fluid, had a great storyline and an interesting way to tell it (though voicemail messages and laptop intel, thought it was different, very investigative). Even though it fell into a scary time->shoot 'em up time->scary time->shoot em up time pattern throughout the game, it was still a fun game. That and it had my vote for scariest game until I played Amnesia.


The sequels I wasnt crazy about, they seemed to focus more on graphics and action than scariness factor.



(runner-up for favorite FPS is Halo series :P )



Anyway, this is quite a generous thing you are doing Stonerboy, and I'd like to thank you for running this contest and giving them away when you could have just turned around and sold them. :cheers:

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Not a problem JBags as I said before I have gotten some big name games in fact around $200AUD of games in my time here so it's good to give back.

By far getting Skyrim just days before release was probably best :)


And F.E.A.R. haven't played 1 or 2 but number 3 had me jumping and had shivers running down my spine.


Mind you not to the same extent as Amnesia that game is just something else a real work of spooky story telling. I must say in a game like amnesia you really get connected to the character and more than once my heart has really started racing.

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Torchlight 2 please.


My favorite FPS has to be Battlefield Bad Company 2. I picked this game because even after all these years i still play it, and i cant really say that about many FPS games. I dont know why but i just find it more fun than even BF3. I only played BF3 for maybe 3 weeks before trading it with a friend. The gameplay in BC2 is just really smooth and the game doesn't cripple my system. The maps imho are much better designed then any other FPS games maps and they dont get boring very easily.

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I'd like to go for both really, since I have neither of them.


My favorite FPS would be Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Not the second nor the third. The first one. It's the game in which I've spent the most time except for WoW. I started as a complete rookie in online FPS and ended playing competitive. It's the game I've had the most thrills and ups and downs in. Some say the ballistics were unbalanced. I just adapted and used the best weapons. And in competitive it was restricted to a limited number of weapons, so didn't matter. All CoD games after that has been c**p since then. Especially the move to being a console port killed it for me. Private servers all the way!

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TL 2 for me


Halflife (1 but also all of it).


I'd been lonely for a long time but I didn't realise it at the time. I heard her name mentioned by my friends but she was out of my league, i just wasn't in a place where we would be happy with each other.

It was a year later and things had gotten better for me I was moving in the right circles the name came up, I asked around, she was still available! I hardly slept that night and did little else the next day but tidy up, prepare myself - you know the usual silly macho guy stuff. The following weekend arrived, as soon as the bank opened I was out like a shot, money in my pocket, big grin, slight swagger this was going to be a good day. On approaching her things got a little awkward, I walked past at least twice looking out of the corner my eye, heart pounding, palms slightly sweaty. Was I ready for this kind of commitment? Where would it all lead? What if it went wrong? I sucked it all up and pushed it away, I held her hand, she didn't pull away. We walked a little, rode a bus together, we did a little dancing and then ended up back at my place. It was a long night and I've never never looked back. I look at all those foolish feelings of youth the trepidation, the excuses, I'm thankful I committed when I did and only wasted a little time dithering what a wonderful thing she is.


We're still together and I got to meet all her brothers, cousins, other relatives and friends and you know what the excitement and surprises are still enjoyable - even the old ones.

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Still free to share your favorite fps, its good to hear about some other games that people may or may not have played or even considered.


Edit: You can blaim Red, Cappi, Bilcliff and Cryo I only just coming up to my one year anniversary and I have already gotten Dirt 3, Skyrim, Terrania and Dirt Showdown all by just being an OCC member so I figure it is my turn to give again like I did with borderlands.


Not to mention Singularity.. :P

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Torchlight 1, as I have yet to play it, although the demo is DLing atm.


It's a toss up for me, I like Rainbow 6: Vegas and Vegas 2 because they were my first shooters, albeit 3rd person. But I have to say, Battlefield 3 is it for me atm. I love the gameplay, adn I play FPS mostly for the mp modes, and less for the story. Bah, I can't decide, I've also been getting heavily back into Borderlands recently. There is something about being able to blow up a midget with a headshot that really makes a game dear to you...

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Have a free steam code for Torchlight 1. First person to quote this post and give me their steam ID gets it.. :cheers:


Steam name MyInnerFred


Wait I can't seem to log in for some reason. The ID may be Drakgard instead. I'm contacting steam to get the issue resolved. I have not been able to log on =/


Here's the account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Drakgard

Edited by My_Inner_Fred

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Torch Light 2 would be my pick!


As or me I'll have to say Battlefield 3 would be my favorite. The amount of random things that can happen in-game is something I find hysterical.

I love flying helicopters in-game and the weapon modifications are very nice. Of course there are games out there with a lot more weapon customization like Blacklight retribution for example but BF3s weapon customization is simple and fast.

I've heard people say that BF3 is the worst game in the Battlefield series to date but I don't see how it's bad at all. =P

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TORCHLIGHT 2 (as I already own and love T1)


My favorite FPS, still to this day, is Half-Life 2. I've played many other great shooters since it was first released in 2004, both single-player and multi-player, and yet none engaged me as much as HL2 did and still does (which is why I created this thread three months ago). As I said in that thread, the graphics may not be quite on par with today's games, but the gameplay, story, and mechanics more than make up for it. Aside from Episode One and Episode Two, nothing has improved upon its formula in the single-player FPS genre. 7+ years later, and HL2 is still the best - it's simply amazing how well it's withstood the test of time.


Taking place in a dystopian alternate history of Earth, the game starts you out similarly to the original Half-Life, aboard a train. One of the game's highlights was its advanced-for-its-time physics system and that's immediately shown off when a guard knocks over a can and tells you to pick it up and throw it in the trash. If you instead choose to throw it at the guard, he'll hit you with his electrified baton, not letting you pass until you follow his directions - I still do that every single time I play, because why not - Valve thought of everything. The great thing about HL2 is that Valve never shoves anything down your throat. Instructions are seamlessly put into the story of the game, tutorials are realistically thrown in (like getting used to the Gravity Gun by having catch with Dog), and the extent of physics puzzles gradually ramps up as you progress in the game. Puzzles are there more to break up the monotony of shooting enemies rather than cause frustration. Oh, and there are no cutscenes; the story is told as you progress through the game.


Many people mention Ravenholm when discussing HL2 - it's either their favorite or least favorite part, though the latter because of how frightening it can be, not because of anything particularly wrong with it. I personally love Ravenholm and all its booby traps and zombie-killing action, but my favorite part is actually the bridge on Highway 17. Before coming upon it, you see its beautiful expanse off in the distance. You soon find out that you will not be traveling on top of the bridge, but instead below it, on the scaffolding. It's at once beautiful and nerve-wracking. It's reminiscent of jumping puzzles found in games like Tomb Raider, except now you have to also contend with enemy Combine soldiers shooting at you - oh, and on the return trip (yep, you have to go back the way you came), a large gunship that can quickly rip you to shreds if you don't take cover and/or take it out with your laser-guided rocket launcher. To me, it's certainly one of the most memorable moments in all of gaming.


I guess I've already said a lot about why I feel HL2 is the best FPS ever, and well deserving of the numerous Game of the Year and Game of the Decade awards is received. However, it gave us a lot more than just a great FPS than some people realize. It was developed alongside the Source Engine (responsible for the game's visuals, audio, and AI) and Steam. Without HL2 (or if HL2 wasn't so successful both critically and commercially), we may have never enjoyed the Portal series or Left 4 Dead series, let alone Counter-Strike: Source and Team Fortress 2. Hell, would Steam be as popular as it is today without HL2? In addition, due to Steam, it was the first game to ever require online product activation - now something that's quite normal. One could argue whether that's a good thing or not, but it's still just as noteworthy, no matter what side you're on. It's important to note that we're simply talking about "product activation", not "always-on", as the game can be played in offline mode.


In the end, it's really no wonder why so many people are still eagerly awaiting Half-Life 3 or Half-Life 2: Episode Three. Half-Life 2 set a bar that no other single-player first-person shooter has even come close to.



tl;dr: HALF-LIFE 2! DUH!

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