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Borderlands 2 coming September 18!


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I believe so. I think I saw it say I unlocked something near something. I think they patched the Golden Keys one, but that would just ruin the fun of finding loot if you had unlimited golden keys :D


For people who want to cheat the system.


However if someone really wants to abuse golden keys, all they need is two people (at least one has the key.). Both join the same game and meet at golden chest. One person opens it and Alt+F4 without leaving the chest (doing so risks running into an auto-save point). When that person re-joins they still have the key and the chest is open. You can use this method for a lot of other stuff like duping items or farming Moxxi's tip jar achievement ($10,000).




I wonder if they might discipline people who take advantage of teh DLC ini hacking. I know they've stated they won't punish the people who altered it to get golden keys.


Nevermind, it looks like they've patched the DLC hack as well.


I lied, it still works

Edited by F13Bubba

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Thanks, Azn....I did the unlocks...we'll see if that works. Not doing the golden keys one though, just don't get the point of that. The game is largely about finding that next awesome weapon....being able to grab the best weapons with no effort seems idiotic.


I hate having double standards and feeling bad about this 'hack' because I like the developer and the game but if EA had locked content and someone found it out I'd be like 'haha!'. :P

I'd normally agree, but retailer-specific pre-order bonuses have always bugged me. There's no good reason why the creature arena was only available to GS pre-orders, so yes, I'll do whatever it takes to get it. It'll be interesting to see how this pans out though....I always figured they'd unlock it for everyone later on, maybe charging $1-5 for it, but if it's so easy to hack, maybe they just planned on releasing it for free...that it was simply a timed-exclusive.



I don't know why anyone would even go to the Wall Street Journal for game reviews, but that was just turrible.


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Probably won't buy vehicles (unless they're excessively cheap during a Steam sale), since I doubt they'll have much impact on the game, but definitely looking forward to seeing what new characters they come up with.

Maybe if one is a Buzzard but only if the horn sound is Flight of the Valkyries. Oh, also, it would have to be able to do a barrel roll.

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What's your point? (Asks the person who's farmed the final boss at least five times :whistling:)


You've farmed the final boss at least five times? In BL2? Geez, how many hours have you invested into the game?! I'm no where close to fighting the boss even once.

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You've farmed the final boss at least five times? In BL2? Geez, how many hours have you invested into the game?! I'm no where close to fighting the boss even once.

Well it helps when the first time you do it you get a really nice orange shotgun and find a place near a regenerating ammo chest that the boss does not attack you. It has one attack that can hit you there, and that is easy to avoid. Playthrough 2 may not be as forgiving though. It hasn't been forgiving so far.

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Not cool, one would hope that they could get everything when they get the season pass. I am not a fan of tiny bits of doc.


They were upfront from the very beginning that the Season Pass was for four major add-on campaigns and not minor DLC like characters and whatnot.

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They were upfront from the very beginning that the Season Pass was for four major add-on campaigns and not minor DLC like characters and whatnot.

Still not a fan of minor DLC haha especially when free mods by fans can add heaps more content to games than these official bit of DLC. Tiny DLC to me just makes it seem like they want to milk the game for money.

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