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I just showed it to my super hero friends and Batman said theres nothing illegal going on. Superman agrees. Aquaman is still undecided but really...who cares what he thinks really.


King me.


+1 for this. I laughed so hard after reading this.

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. What you mean to really say is that children need to conform to what you believe in otherwise you will hurt them, and you don't really care to hear or think what they themselves believe is right and wrong.



No what I am saying is they need to conform to the rules set forth in teaching them Right From Wrong or their will be consequences just as there is for Adults in the everyday world... we are teaching them and training them for Adult life...where you still have to follow rules or be punished....


they are entitled to an Opinion (what they think or what they believe) but they still have to follow rules regardless of their opinion just as we Adults do...


if we as Adults don't follow the rules we risk going to Jail and getting Ass-Raped... not spanked... so really which do you prefer... Spanking now or possible ass-rapping later???



I know I;d take the spanking and learn to follow the rules...


Such as I do now....


My kids have been spanks and gee all of them are Honor role students and 2 of them out in college with full scholarships on their smarts and hard work....never been in trouble at school or with the law or anything... I;d say what i am doing is working very well...


and I hardly ever have to discipline them let alone spank them.... hmmm who would have thunk that

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No, if you intended to say that, then you should have said it. What you said was not the same. You were insulting, confrontational and a general butt. If you want to make a point, learn from his example.


Yes. I am aware. But then again I was pushed into it. Mind you I asked for the pushing and yada yada ya. I don't want to see the same for him.


Quite frankly though no. I am right you are all wrong minus this guy, and blue cow.


Spanking is wrong, and soon I will fix that so that it will never be used again :biggrin:


This video was wrong and soon child services will fix that :biggrin:


The human race is generally wrong, but soon all of your pissed off kids will blow it up anyways :biggrin:


All I have to do is sit back and watch it all crash and burn in front of you with a smile on my face



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Yes. I am aware. But then again I was pushed into it. Mind you I asked for the pushing and yada yada ya. I don't want to see the same for him.


Quite frankly though no. I am right you are all wrong minus this guy, and blue cow.


Yes, you are wrong. Notice how I never weighed in on the morality of spanking? Your sweeping, ignorant, generalized statements is why you were "pushed" into making yourself look like a jerk. I only commented on the ownership of property, but thanks for proving my point when you lump me in with everyone else.

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For the most part I agree with what you say.


I think you and a lot of people don't understand just how far that ideology can be taken though.


I mean the people literally right next door told me to my face and in front of their kids that they just had kids so that they could do the work for them. At first I thought it was a joke, it wasn't.


Is anyone aware that there are people (and a lot more than you think) that just have kids as slave labor and will say it as bluntly as they can? I mean for god sakes this lady adopted one kid and the other was a test tube baby. Both of these kids serve the parents. I mean what a waste of a human soul. That is what I am against. It is the idea that too much extremism has seeped into and become basic parenting.


Spanking is not ok period. That will end soon enough and you can all hate me for it, I honestly don't care.


I think where a lot of the discrepancies are is how you guys view what the girl actually did. I think most of you feel like all she did was threw a temper tantrum and bitched about her chores.


Now, as I have said throughout this entire topic. There is a girl down the street. She lives in a family of 9. Yes 9 kids. All of them do some sort of labor around the house, except for this one girl. She acts as if she does everything around the house. She has no care or consideration for those around her, and she isn't exactly the brightest light bulb in the pack either. She has done somethings that I believe this sort of a course of action that this guy is taking would probably be PERFECT. Best example was that she was dating a boy who was selling drugs and her parents said no. So she punched a hole in their brand new iMac. Her brother drives her around ALL over the place. I mean ALL over the place. One night it was raining REALLY hard, and she was upset and bitchy as usual, and she said that he does nothing around the house. He told her to get out of the car (while it was still raining,and mind you we were all in the neighborhood at this point). She said no, so he started driving away from their house. He said the longer she doesn't get out of the car, the further he would get from the house. Finally he gets to the end of the neighborhood, turns off the engine, takes the only umbrella in the car, and walks home leaving her in the car to rot.


Now see why do we have to spank when we can come up with creative punishments like that? To me that was genius. Well until the girl comes knocking at our door cold and wet, and I am too much of a nice guy to turn her away. Damn guilt :yucky:


However, I think this girl is being over worked. I do not believe that if you forget or miss a single chore you should be grounded. I mean my friend just next door was grounded for 3 months because he did not take out the trash because he was burning through his homework at a million miles an hour trying to get it done so he didn't fail his math. I mean this guy seems just as totalitarian.


It isn't that someone should not be punished for wrong doing. But my god. It did not sound like this was the average situation. I truly believe this girl was being worked to death. Not necessarily because of chores, but because of the consequences if she did not meet his standards.


I think every single one of you guys who has a child have faced a situation where your kid made simply made and honest mistake by forgetting to take out the trash. In that case I would hope that you would at least say "well try not to forget" and move on. I think you all allow for some sort of breathing room for mistakes or possibly will ease up on chores if the situation demands it ie the kid has a job and she or he can not do as much as they used to.


However, I think that is where you guys and this guy differ. It doesn't seem to me like this man had any leniency at all. I know of 12 families around us that have no leniency. Some of them come up with rules simply because they like controlling their kids. They literally make a game out of it.


I don't think you guys understand how extreme people can get with their parenting. I am all for constructive parenting and some form of order. For instance what you have wev (which the exception of spanking) is a fair approach.


What this guy did was taking it wayyyyyy to far for a situation that should have been talked about before anything else. You never use guns to prove a point. The guy claims to be an adult, but what he did was childish. The girls life and words should be taken with a lot of weight considering that there are indeed people that take things WAY too far. Including chores guys. I mean when you have a cleaning lady, and you still make your kid clean the floors, that is a pretty big flag to let you know something is not quite right.


I mean my mother LITERALLY almost verbatim minus the curse words. Says the exact same thing to me about her working conditions. I do all I can to help her out, so am I supposed to assume that she is being disrespectful to me, or do I take that as maybe I could do more to help her out? Mind you I do pay for mostly everything, so the roles are indeed reversed. You are all so quick to give into the illusion that children are different from adults which is why you see it as the kid being disrespectful to the parents. But I guarantee you if the roles were reversed, the parents tracking mud onto a floor that was just cleaned, getting the parents coffee, and trying to build a garden for them all sound like they are being disrespectful to her.


We have all had mothers. If the mother was this girl, doesn't it sound an AWFUL lot like how we used to piss our moms off? Tracking mud through the house as she cleans it up? Asking for a drink without saying thanks? Wanting to do a project just to let her do it by herself? Can any of you relate? Now my mother always used to yell at me for stuff like that (and I certainly don't blame her for it). But isn't that all this face book post really is about? Someone feels under appreciated and she wants to go on strike. I mean how many of our mothers said they are going on strike, or that they should be payed for everything they do around the house? I can only imagine about 80% of all the members mother said something similar.


Now does the mother provide any monetary, or social benefits to you ie food, a roof, insurance? Sometimes, but most of the times no. So if she is going to yell at you, does that mean that you turn around and take your gun and shoot her laptop because she disrespected you? HECK NO!!!!!! That would be stupid right? Why wouldn't you do that? Because she does clean up after you, because she does get your drink, and because she does try to finish all of your projects for you because she loves you.


I think if all of you were to get your mothers on the phone and showed them the video, and asked them if they have ever felt like the girl. I think they would all respond with something to the effect of, are you kidding me?????? If that were me that post would have been 20 pages longer to you son.


Looking at it a bit differently and relating back to situations I already know of, I see that there is and was a WAY better way of handling it. I can honestly say it was the parents fault, because it was my fault when I tracked the mud through the house when I was a kid, and in all fairness I could have been a lot less taxing on my mom. So it has to be the same if the roles are reversed. That is why I am so adamant to say that I know it is the parents fault for their daughters feelings, because it was my fault and probably most of your faults to get the same damn words out of your mother.


I hope this at least changes some of your opinions about the situation. Or do I need to tell on you to your mothers??? :lol:

That was your laptop, wasn't it? Wasn't it?

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Spanking = OK

Abusive beating = Not OK

Chores = OK

Shooting a laptop I bought for my kid that uses it to disparage me publicly because I expect him/her to follow the rules = Priceless


Guess I'll just put it out here - if you're my child and I'm putting a roof over your head, feeding you, paying your health care insurance (and possibly car insurance) buying your class ring, yearbook, paying for your braces, putting money back for your college education (and the list could go on and on) - I don't owe you a compromise solution.

I have rules and expectations and it is your responsibility to follow and adhere to them. If you don't there aren't any compromises. Parenting is not a democracy.


When your parent gives you a chore, that's more than just getting work done to help around the house or farm - that's teaching you how to work and the value of doing a job and doing a job right.

When your parent tells you to do something, most of the time there is a reason for the request - when you do as your parents ask you learn how to follow directions and take direction - something that will come in very valuable when you become an adult and try to hold down a job

When your parent tells you not to do something - most of the time it's because it's for your own good

When your parent expects you to be polite and do as your told that is teaching you how to be respectful of those that God has put in authority over your life

When your parent disciplines you for miss-behaving or not doing as your asked that's teaching you there are consequences for not following rules


Our society is literally at the edge of collapse because kids no longer learn at an early age that there is right and wrong. There is (or at least should be) authority in their lives. Many are disrespectful, antagonistic, selfish little brats with an entitlement attitude. Parents can't spank for fear of reprisal, they've taken the paddle out of the classroom, many schools don't even recite the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of the day anymore. Heck, you can't even say a public prayer before a darn football game. Sad, sad, sad.


My professors once said the child-parent/family system is an authoritarian dictatorship.

It is also good to note that many kids these days do not have proper work ethic (I know this first hand as I worked with many teenagers).

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All I want is a perfect system. Is that too much to ask? Not hitting. No violence. No acting out. Just one big happy .* family. Is that too much to ask? Hmmmmm?


You know if a family is a dictatorship and you all are so happy with dictatorships. Then I know of a wonderful and perfect place for you. It is called North Korea. Maybe you should look into a Time share there?

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All I want is a perfect system. Is that too much to ask? Not hitting. No violence. No acting out. Just one big happy .* family. Is that too much to ask? Hmmmmm?


You know if a family is a dictatorship and you all are so happy with dictatorships. Then I know of a wonderful and perfect place for you. It is called North Korea. Maybe you should look into a Time share there?

I might do that, they probably have better internet than we do. :D

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I think you should ask my kids...


they will tell you they have everything they need and most of the stuff they want (they earn) as a reward for following the rules... when they dont I take it all away...but they will tell you they are happy.... and I am far from rich financially...

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No this guy does have some issues. Apparently he was beating his wife. His wife tried to fight for full custody and lost.


No I was right guys, this guy was seriously off his rocker, and his daughter was suffering. So far everyone I have shown this too, including people with their psychology degrees, all say that it was wrong and half of you people need help. They also said I am not writing what I think I am, but then again I never do.


Ball is in your court.


Well... I do not know how you obtained that sort of information, but if it is true, then you were right in believing that there was more to the story. However, based on the tasks he listed in his video, those tasks were FAR from being slave labor. If being demanded to make coffee for her father is slave labor, then I have to call up my parents and tell them that they used me as a slave when I was a child as they had me make dinner from time to time. And I think the NAACP would be offended if they knew people were considering this as slave labor, as it makes light of the pain and suffering they have endured for centuries.


By no means do we think this man is an amiable person, we merely agree on the fact that those tasks requested of his daughter were reasonable and that children take for granted what their parents provide for them.

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