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I think the father probably makes good money and wanted to make a point so he destroyed the laptop.
Here is what I thought about it:


That was his way of saying that "you are not using this computer anymore, you are not even getting the possibility of even slightly having the chance to maybe even just a little bit beg for it back... because it is no longer functioning."




This laptop that I paid for, you aren't getting it back, you aren't even going to be given the chance to earn it back.

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Chores are not slave labor. HER chores are slave labor.


Getting coffee for someone is not a chore.


And I did check with one of my friend who has a law degree. Indeed he can be sued. The laptop was hers. Ownership is 9/10ths of the law fellows. He defaced her property.


Also, interesting side note. I called child protective service to check the situation out. I gave the lady the link. She said they have already dispatched someone to investigate. They said they are already working on a search warrant. Apparently, there has been a reported case of domestic abuse from that family. Hence the mother and step mother issue. She also said that if what the girl said is true through and through, then it does not constituent as normal chores.


Check and mate guys.

Her chores are not slave labor, you are acting like a real dick :lol:


Also, might I add that she is a minor, and minors, by law, can't OWN anything. So that laptop was here father's property and he was 100% within his rights.

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Believe it or not I guess this has been an ongoing thing though. Apparently when he posted this on her facebook one of her friends called child services. That laptop was a gift. Gift in lawyer talk is to reposes. The girl possessed it. Therefore the girl owned it. Dad shot it. Bad dad. At least that is how the state sees it.


No this guy does have some issues. Apparently he was beating his wife. His wife tried to fight for full custody and lost.


No I was right guys, this guy was seriously off his rocker, and his daughter was suffering. So far everyone I have shown this too, including people with their psychology degrees, all say that it was wrong and half of you people need help. They also said I am not writing what I think I am, but then again I never do.


Ball is in your court.

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I just showed it to my super hero friends and Batman said theres nothing illegal going on. Superman agrees. Aquaman is still undecided but really...who cares what he thinks really.


King me.

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Her chores are not slave labor, you are acting like a real dick :lol:


WOW........ I am so sorry your parents were that bad to you.


I mean do you hear yourself. She had to get coffee for them. It did not sound like it was a mater of the dad asking for coffee, but rather demanding it.


If someone demanded coffee from me, I would make it. Walk it over to them. And dump it all over their lap and smile.


You guys must take your kids patience for granted. Start demanding a bit to much and you will find yourself with a knife in your back. That has happened all throughout history and it can happen to you.

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I just showed it to my super hero friends and Batman said theres nothing illegal going on. Superman agrees. Aquaman is still undecided but really...who cares what he thinks really.


King me.


Well actually I agree with you about aqua man.


I think the only reason I am not getting through to any of you people is because you are all pretty much exactly like him. You all want to be in charge and show how much authority you all have. Is that it?


I mean it is finally fact. The guy is an abusive nut. So says his former wife, and so says child services. So why are you still all on his side? Why did any of you have kids if all you were going to do is hurt them anyways? What is the point?

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So is a belt says my nice lawyer friend says.


Your move sherlock.


Your lawyer friend fails hard.


"In the United States and all African and most Asian nations, "spanking," "whipping," "smacking," or "slapping" by parents is currently legal; it is also legal to use certain implements such as a belt or paddle."

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Well actually I agree with you about aqua man.


I think the only reason I am not getting through to any of you people is because you are all pretty much exactly like him. You all want to be in charge and show how much authority you all have. Is that it?


I mean it is finally fact. The guy is an abusive nut. So says his former wife, and so says child services. So why are you still all on his side? Why did any of you have kids if all you were going to do is hurt them anyways? What is the point?

Personally, I don't think YOU should have any kids. You're exactly the kind of person who would enable their children to do anything they wanted, you don't believe in any type of proper punishment. You want to be able to reason everything out with them, but new flash people aren't reasonable. So if they do something you don't like then what? You try to talk to them and when that fails you ground them? Then they'll just sneak out, that's totally going to teach them a lesson. I wouldn't be surprised if you're children are the kind that steal because they feel they're entitled to anything they want, and if daddy won't continue spoiling then rotten they'll just go out and get what they want themselves. To make it worse daddy never taught them how to work, how to earn a living, so how do you get something you want when you don't have the money? You steal it of course, because they don't know no, daddy always gave them what they wanted and never gave them a proper punishment if you stepped out of line, so they think what's the worst that's gonna happen if they get caught? Nothing, cause nothing has ever happened.


Also, I'm guessing you'd be the kind of guy who'd give their kid a brand new BMW just for getting their license, do you think that'd teach them the value of hard work? ;)

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