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Test my new game!


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For those that tested my last game, this topic may feel familiar to you.


This time, it's my final project for my Game Development course. Unlike last time, this was a group project. More importantly, unlike last time, there IS a winning condition!


The game can be played here!


The usability test can be taken here: http://kwiksurveys.com/?u=fludungeon


If you don't feel like using kwiksurveys.com, you can comment in this thread using the questions below (though it's a lot easier for me to compile results if you use kwiksurveys):


How many times did you play the game?


Did you win? If so, did you play again or stop at that point? If not, did that encourage you to play again or not?


Was the game easy to understand and use? If not, why?


Were there any issues with the interface?


Did the sound add or detract from the game's enjoyment? Was there too much, too little, or just the right amount?


Did you realize you could change the background music any time you wanted? If so, did you utilize this feature?


What are your feelings on the art style?


What did you think of the animations?


Did you find the combat engaging? Please explain your answer.


Was there enough content or did it leave you wanting more?


Did the game have enough complexity, too much complexity, or too little complexity?


Did you have fun?


What is your overall opinion of the game?


How can it be improved?


Did you pass the game on to a friend?


Where did you find out about this game and survey?


What is your age?


What is your gender?


All questions are required except for Age and Gender. Those are simply to see if we get our target market.


I need the results by tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday)! Yep, last minute...that's the problem with group projects. BUT, I knew I could count on you, so I wasn't worried. In fact, after my midterm, I got a reputation for having a strong support cast behind me (you guys!) because my usability numbers blew everyone else away.


So once again, I call on OCC for help!




PS. The game only takes about 3 mins to play once through, though obviously you're free to keep playing multiple times! The survey will probably only take you about 5 mins.

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Combat while fun, was kinda frustrating... How is it that sometimes my fireball would one shot a 40hp mob, then next fireball would do 4 damage?


Otherwise fun, i really liked the old style game design, i felt like i was playing a game on my dads old amiga!

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How many times did you play the game? Twice


Did you win? If so, did you play again or stop at that point? If not, did that encourage you to play again or not? No I lost. I didn't want to play again since I grew bored :P


Was the game easy to understand and use? If not, why? Yes -> The instructions were clear but I did think that the game would benefit by explaining that the big attack doesn't necessarily do more damage than the two smaller attacks :P


Were there any issues with the interface? No.


Did the sound add or detract from the game's enjoyment? Was there too much, too little, or just the right amount? It made it more enjoyable once you get used to it.


Did you realize you could change the background music any time you wanted? If so, did you utilize this feature? Yes and I did utilise this feature


What are your feelings on the art style? I liked it. It created a good mood .


What did you think of the animations? They were well suited to the theme and gameplay.


Did you find the combat engaging? Please explain your answer. Yes - You always have to keep guessing which attack to use since bigger isn't always better


Was there enough content or did it leave you wanting more? I felt it was enough


Did the game have enough complexity, too much complexity, or too little complexity? Enough complexity


Did you have fun? Yes


What is your overall opinion of the game? Its a good idea and fun


How can it be improved? Make a certain portion of your health regenerate after each battle


Did you pass the game on to a friend? No


Where did you find out about this game and survey? OCC


What is your age? 16


What is your gender? Male

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Thanks so far, guys.


As for the attacks/damage calculations, I don't want to get into that now before others get to play. I'll explain it more tomorrow or Wednesday though.


Dang, I forgot to mention it (I wrote a good 400 words on the combat system section lol) but I wouldn't mind attacks doing so little damage if the game gave us a good reason for it, say a monster dodged, or parried(?) somehow. Also, you should do more damage after the level up.

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It's difficult to judge if you don't have a baseline. It's a pretty basic game at the end of the day but I don't know what level you should be at this stage.


Yeah, I understand. I think if I showed you some of my classmates' projects, you'd think even better of my game (hahaha), but that's not what I want, I just want honest feedback.

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Yeah, I understand. I think if I showed you some of my classmates' projects, you'd think even better of my game (hahaha), but that's not what I want, I just want honest feedback.


I gave honest feedback in the survey. I look forward to hearing how the damage calculations are made. I think the game could be a lot easier with them. I still really like the green blob boss fight, i played 3 times and couldn't beat him, but very cool the way the hero was flipping around and attacking awhile being attacked. Made it seem intense and fun, even if all you were doing was clicking one action once every few second.

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