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I had PRK laser surgery today


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One of my co-workers had it done and it was a huge difference. They were able to correct the night driving problem she had...seeing rainbows around headlights. Her cornea was dimpled and that caused the halos, but when she had the procedure done, they filled in and smoothed the surface, so now she sees 20/15 and no night vision problems. Great stuff but I'm personally going to wait a while.


Congrats man. It will be interesting to hear how the healing goes over the next day and your adventures post process.

How awesome it will be to have full depth perception back from glasses.

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It's been 12 hours since the surgery, and my eyesight seems like 20/40. Being on Vicodin helps. :P


its good, but once you hit that 10 year mark your eyes fall out (homer)

great episode




everyone in my family (excluding my grandparents) has had corrective laser surgery,

i should, but it honestly scares the crap out of me.


i thought it was a painless procedure, whats the viccodin for? does it hurt afterwards or is it for swelling?

i remember my dad had to wear protective eye cups at night, man that was hilarious looking, i hope you dont

end up with those lol

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What exactly is PRK? I remember when my dad had Lasik surgery done. I think he ended up at around 20/30 or 20/40 but he was at 20/200 or so before it was done.

Photorefractive keratectomy, as per the first link on google.



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One of my co-workers had it done and it was a huge difference. They were able to correct the night driving problem she had...seeing rainbows around headlights. Her cornea was dimpled and that caused the halos, but when she had the procedure done, they filled in and smoothed the surface, so now she sees 20/15 and no night vision problems. Great stuff but I'm personally going to wait a while.


Congrats man. It will be interesting to hear how the healing goes over the next day and your adventures post process.

How awesome it will be to have full depth perception back from glasses.

Yeah, I'm amazed right now how well I can see. I've worn glasses since I was 5. When I put eyedrops in, I feel like I can see 20/20 already. Without glasses, I can't even recognize the big "E" when getting my eyes checked.


its good, but once you hit that 10 year mark your eyes fall out.



everyone in my family (excluding my grandparents) has had corrective laser surgery,

i should, but it honestly scares the crap out of me.


i thought it was a painless procedure, whats the viccodin for? does it hurt afterwards or is it for swelling?

i remember my dad had to wear protective eye cups at night, man that was hilarious looking, i hope you dont

end up with those lol

Nothing to be scared of. There's less than a 1% chance something going wrong. It was painless, and for the first 8 hours I went without Vicodin to see what it was like (it only cost $3.30 for 20 pills). My eyes felt a dull pain. It didn't really hurt, but the Vicodin helps alleviate that. I don't take medication when I'm sick or injured, only for recreation. I'll probably stop after the 1 pill unless I feel something in the morning after I wake up.


Yeah, and I have the protective eye cups and sunglasses, lol. I have no pride, I'll wear them outside at night. :P


It's pretty cool. When you go in, they tape your eyes open and the doctor squeezes tons of eyedrops. Mostly anti-bacterial drops and something that wears away the epithelium. He then scrapes the cells away with something up close that looks like what you use to scrape away frost on your windshield (that part lasts 45 seconds) while you see this pulsating orange beam (think HAL from 2001, but pulsating). When the laser starts to do it's work, you hear what sounds like a taser going off and a slight burning smell. That lasts 15 seconds. Then they put more eyedrops in, clean the eye again with the scraper, and put the protective contact lense in.


Then the same for the other eye.


What's cool is that the laser tracks your pupil movement, so if your eye does end up wandering, it will still work it's magic. If your pupil moves away too fast, the laser will shutdown.


I've been so bored though! Glad to be able to see enough to see words on the computer. I'll probably be lighting one up tomorrow. I have all week to recover without having to work. :P

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I shoot lots of bullets as suppression fire lol. My sniping abilities have shrunk big time since my days of bf2. My other gun of choice in the m249 so lots of bullets down range in a hurry. I may not be accurate, but I have a lil fun when I do get to play.

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