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2011 OCC Christmas Contest


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Twas the season of Christmas, and all through the house,

Not a peripheral was stirring, not even a mouse.

The tech stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

in hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.


The OCC’ers were nestled all snug in their beds,

while visions of video cards danced in their heads.

Bosco in his ‘kerchief, Ccokeman in his cap,

Had just settled down, for a long winters nap.


When out on OCC there arose such a clatter,

They sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.

Out of their beds, to their PC’s they did fly,

To turn on their monitor’s, and boot up their hard drives.


And then on the homepage, could it be true?

The OCC Christmas contest had started anew.

With tons of prizes from many cool sponsors,

The thread was filled with many responses.


From many a member, both old and new

Came email entries, from some of the staff too.

And then on Dec. 24, they gathered with glee,

To see who the lucky winners would be.


While it’s not yet 10, I’d just like to say,

That when it comes to computer advice, OCC is the best place to play

And because you all have given me reason,

I wish you all a Happy Holiday Season!




Good luck everyone, and Happy Holidays!

Bump for a sweet poem.



If I win the grand prize my mind will be blown!



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