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Unstable, yet stable?

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Ok, I recently over-clocked my i3-550 to 4.5Ghz after obtaining a Coolermaster Hyper212+. I was able to run 50 passes of Intel Burn Test (IBT) and after running OCCT and Prime95 I confirmed the hardware stable. However, recently I've begun to question my OC. After my sisters Sims 3 game began freezing to a black screen causing her to force restart I went back into stability testing to make sure everything was stable. My games didn't crash like her's, so I wasn't completely sold that it was my OC. I'm pretty sure now that it was a corrupt file in her game because she played on stock settings and crashed. Also she's now playing in a different neighborhood of the game and the crashing has apparently stopped she says.


I brought this topic up because, during my stability testing, it appears to crash randomly and from what I can tell only when running LinPacks. I recently ran several different tests in Prime95, they all passed after 9-10+ hours. I ran OCCT, finishing today, for 17.5 hours and it was perfectly fine; I even played Crysis while it tested. But when I brought up OCCT's Linpack it crashed in 2 minutes I tried after that and it crashed again after 2 minutes. I then tried again and know it's running fine...any ideas? Here's the BSOD code recovery center says:


Problem Signature

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033


Extra information about the problem


BCCode: 124

BCP1: 0000000000000000

BCP2: FFFFFA8004BD1028

BCP3: 00000000BE000000

BCP4: 0000000000800400

OS Version: 6_1_7601

Service Pack: 1_0

Product: 768_1

Bucket ID: X64_0x124_GenuineIntel_PROCESSOR_MAE

Server information: 69ef8376-3ddc-4986-8246-3a1ccd04554d

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Then it is not stable. Prime95 needs a minimum of 4 hrs then you talking pretty darn stable. Prime95 is the toughest of em all

Edited by Drdeath

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prime 95 remains the best stress test. It takes 2 1/2 hrs to hit the 1st tough NB hit. 3hrs is most likely 95% for sure stable, 8 hrs. is 99% stable IMO.

Edited by Drdeath

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prime 95 remains the best stress test. It takes 2 1/2 hrs to hit the 1st tough NB hit. 3hrs is most likely 95% for sure stable, 8 hrs. is 99% stable IMO.


Then I must be rock solid...I've run several different type of Prime 95 runs all stable for 8-10+ hours. I mean, none of my games crash because of hardware faults.

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Then I must be rock solid...I've run several different type of Prime 95 runs all stable for 8-10+ hours. I mean, none of my games crash because of hardware faults.



+1. I would say you are stable.......cheers.gifcheers.gifcheers.gif

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Then it is not stable. Prime95 needs a minimum of 4 hrs then you talking pretty darn stable. Prime95 is the toughest of em all


With which setting? I use the second which says max of everything. My IBT temps are still always 4-5C higher than Prime95.


I am getting the same error as well where my computer would freeze/crash yet the "stress" tests were all stable. Really frustrating.

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With which setting? I use the second which says max of everything. My IBT temps are still always 4-5C higher than Prime95.


I am getting the same error as well where my computer would freeze/crash yet the "stress" tests were all stable. Really frustrating.

Yeah but IBT doesn't sustain that level of load, it only delivers it in bursts

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prime 95 remains the best stress test. It takes 2 1/2 hrs to hit the 1st tough NB hit. 3hrs is most likely 95% for sure stable, 8 hrs. is 99% stable IMO.


8-10 hours is a good start. The way I find 100% stability is to loop 3DMark 06 and run Prime 95 with the custom test setting so that you hit all of the tests not just the CPU or memory tests. There is a difference between CPU stable and 3D stable. It usually means that one of the subsystems is not entirely there and you need to either tweak the voltages, memory sub timings or lower the clock speeds.


I find 24 hours of prime a good test since it is a long term test that will increase the temperature of all the components in the chassis to the failure point. Airflow is key to maintaining a consistent case temperature that can dissipate the thermal load to reduce the failure in Prime and games. For instance for a stability test last night on a video card I ran Unigine's Heaven 2.5 benchmark for 3 hours

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