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Baking 8800gts?

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No my friend did give it to me, he got it off ebay in a bundle with a working one.

oh so it was just extra...I guess try baking it, you haven't anything to lose.


What will you use it for, physx card??

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oh so it was just extra...I guess try baking it, you haven't anything to lose.


What will you use it for, physx card??

Yeah probs physx or just give it to someone who wants it :P

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Please don't put it in an oven that you use for food...


Eh, none of the things coming off the card after being in the oven for a few minutes will hurt anything as long as the oven is aired out before the next use.


Hell, I baked my engine mounts in the oven once to cure the silicone I was filling them with. :lol:

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Eh, none of the things coming off the card after being in the oven for a few minutes will hurt anything as long as the oven is aired out before the next use.


Hell, I baked my engine mounts in the oven once to cure the silicone I was filling them with. :lol:


Lol, I don't buy it :teehee:

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The success of baking a graphics card varies massively dependant on how well it is baked. For example, some people remove the card from the MO BOH and then bake it. Though this can yield pretty good results, I find that baking the entire system is far more effective. Here's a pic of my gaming PC which had a broken 5870 X4 in it. It now works perfectly after my friend let me use his blast furnace to heat up the system! http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/uploads/dm-melted.jpg




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The success of baking a graphics card varies massively dependant on how well it is baked. For example, some people remove the card from the MO BOH and then bake it. Though this can yield pretty good results, I find that baking the entire system is far more effective. Here's a pic of my gaming PC which had a broken 5870 X4 in it. It now works perfectly after my friend let me use his blast furnace to heat up the system! http://maggiesfarm.anotherdotcom.com/uploads/dm-melted.jpg





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