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Too much negativity in this thread, so I would like to state that I'm having a good time.




Totally agree!



Personally I don''t know why people are complaining about the game, if your not going to play it there is no point in complaining about it..


I think Jay Wilson put it best in the video posted by someone else earlier, that it is impossible to make everyone happy. If your going to play the game GREAT, if you want to play something else GREAT.


This game is an amazing game, and personally just because some of you are stuck in the past and cling to the old games shouldn't make you hate the game. It might seem dumbed down to some of you, but let me tell you if your making that assumption from the little you played in the beta then well you have no idea how amazing the game is...


The skills and rune system works amazingly well, and from someone who played early builds of the game let me tell you that this is the best system of them all. DIablo has always been a game where you just mindlessly crawl through dungeons, personally I don't see the need for an overly complex skill/talent system. When you keep throwing "features" into games you gotta make sure that they feel right, and I don't think a complex system would of done that here. I played Diablo II and I found it mindnumbingly stupid at times and to far complex for a game that is supposed to be a simple dungeon crawler.


As for the server issues, I heard tonight from a source within Blizzard that they are having serious database issues, so bad that they are thinking about starting from scratch and deleting all data from the game resulting in all players starting over. Obviously this is only done in the worst case scenario, and things must have to be pretty bad for them to even consider this... Companies do everything they can to anticipate problems, you really cant blame them if something comes up, especially with a game such as this were the fan base is so huge it is almost impossible to anticipate demand, you can only prepare so much...



As for Blizzards "DRM" even though it isn't really DRM, frankly there is no way you can really complain about this. It is a company adapting to the world they live in, and frankly need to protect their works. From a business point of view it is necessary, believe it or not game studios are in it to make money... Piracy is an issue and while a lot of people don't do it the few out there have ruined it for everyone. This is the future of gaming, your consoles will be using it too in the future. Luckily Blizzard realizes people hate it, and they try and make features that make people want to stay online. Blizzard's take on DRM is that they want to make a game where people want to stay online with it. Which frankly I think is better than a lot of systems out there. If you make it an enjoyable experience for players then well there isn't an issue.


I think another thing people forget is that with the real money auction house comes the need to protect consumers financial stuff, and even protect the in game economy. If Blizzard didn't take steps to keep this game a online game, the chances of that system being exploited are greatly increased, look at the black market Diablo II had with all the hacking and what not... Sure they could cut all that stuff out for single player play, but at the end of the day it doesn't make much business sense to do that. Beyond popular believe by a lot of people (especially from the comments I have seen over time from people on this site) they think that game studios need to cater to their fans. Blizzard frankly doesn't need to listen to some of the people who are raging about "how bad the game is" because there are many more people out there who are going to play and enjoy the game regardless. Just because you don't like the game doesn't mean it sucks, because there are tons of people out there who will enjoy it.



To all the people though who only played the first act within the beta, you really need to dive deeper into the game, because that doesn't really give you the full picture... Also I started Nightmare mode, and let me tell you stuff hits like a TRUCK, expect a lot of deaths lol... Can't even begin to imagine hell or the other modes...

Edited by greengiant912

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I taken two characters, a monk and witch doctor, to Act II so far. I am enjoying the game and think the changes they have made are positive. I like having a shared stash to make transferring stuff easier. The lack of skill point distribution is nice since I don't have to worry about making a perfect build.

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It's pathetic how people who supposedly hate this game can't find anything better to do than read and post about it. I guess some people are just contrarians and need something to publicly whine about.


I think the game is awesome and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. The beta was a good tease but the full game is so much better. I'm about half way through act3 and it has been getting better and better. I loved diablo 1 and 2 over a decade ago and so far this is everything I have been hoping for. Anyone who is a diablo fan will love this game.

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I second what everyone else says, if you don't enjoy the game or haven't even played it, why bother coommenting? Just post in the threads of the games that you think are better. I don't post in threads about games I have no interest in because its a waste of time. But I guess if you have no social life then whining on the net is all you can do. Lol

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I second what everyone else says, if you don't enjoy the game or haven't even played it, why bother coommenting? Just post in the threads of the games that you think are better. I don't post in threads about games I have no interest in because its a waste of time. But I guess if you have no social life then whining on the net is all you can do. Lol

:lol: I want to love this game...I just can't. I had huge interest in it till all of the aforementioned issues came to light. :(

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So I started playing last night. I think as much as much as I wanted this game I might be over this kind of game. All these years have gone by and RPGs have become so big with huge stories and worlds with choices and insane character models and voice actors. Is this type of game dated now? Does anyone else feel that way?

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There's a lot of negativity because after a decade and the amount of resources they had to put into the game, I could have made a better and more innovative game. It's Diablo II with slightly better graphics with a very basic skill upgrade system, and a Blacksmith upgrading area. I don't care about the story unless it's all in incredible CGI cutscenes, not gameplay cutscenes.

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I got it this morning and Im quite enjoying it - the gameplay, not the $70 price-tag I paid this morning :wacko:

Would be better if it was less...

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Yea I will agree that the price is high but its still a fun gamr. not playing because of "server issues" is a weak excuse.

I don't think anyone is not playing it only because of server issues as you put it unless they own it and the servers are actually down. :lol:

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