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So cute http://www.techpower...y-Computer.html :)


http://lenzfire.com/...book-air-43419/ Meh included some amd crap cause the other post was too big...


Did anybody unlock a 4100 to 8 cores? Nevermind... so Piledriver is the new B3 revision?


HA, poor performance of the CPU. This means one of two things, apple understands AMD is weak, OR Intel paid them a lot of money for a contract. Smells like politics to me.

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HA, poor performance of the CPU. This means one of two things, apple understands AMD is weak, OR Intel paid them a lot of money for a contract. Smells like politics to me.



iIf you really new the story, Global Foundries cannot has a supply problem. The Fusion technology is what apple wants. Get your story straight.

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iIf you really new the story, Global Foundries cannot has a supply problem. The Fusion technology is what apple wants. Get your story straight.


No no, I am simply being ironic. To me, if there were a supply shortage with Apple being the buyer, it seems to me like AMD would stock up in a hurry. The fact that they came up with the excuse that there is too limited of a supply is fishy. However, that is me talking from a business point of view. I am sure that Apple is looking at the fusion technology, and I did not mean to diss AMD as much as I mean to say I think that there is business politics going on.


On a totally different note. I have heard rumors about a gaming oriented APU. I don't know what it is called, but I have heard anything from they are supposed to be absolute junk to they are an amazing chip that will allow you to run MW2 (not 3) at decent settings running JUST off the integrated graphics. Does any one know any thing about this? The rumors sound a little odd to me, and I wanted to see what you guys have to say before I get excited.

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No no, I am simply being ironic. To me, if there were a supply shortage with Apple being the buyer, it seems to me like AMD would stock up in a hurry. The fact that they came up with the excuse that there is too limited of a supply is fishy. However, that is me talking from a business point of view. I am sure that Apple is looking at the fusion technology, and I did not mean to diss AMD as much as I mean to say I think that there is business politics going on.


On a totally different note. I have heard rumors about a gaming oriented APU. I don't know what it is called, but I have heard anything from they are supposed to be absolute junk to they are an amazing chip that will allow you to run MW2 (not 3) at decent settings running JUST off the integrated graphics. Does any one know any thing about this? The rumors sound a little odd to me, and I wanted to see what you guys have to say before I get excited.



They cannot stock up if global Foundries cannot produce. Intel beats AMD in performance but the APU's with Fusion are way better in graphics at the llano price point. Enthusiast are 2% of the market and llano is mainstream. Mac users demand good graphics and AMD would bring a great price point. They are not junk by no means. $135 chip that has an on die 6550D GPU. Tremendous value that performs just short of Phenom II 980's...... AMD also has to supply the OEM builders that got on board on conception now the Global found problem and they are left out. This is my opinion and all the stuff you read on Tom's Queer is not always correct. IMF, I find them wrong more than not. This stuff is most likely closer to the truth than what people write. If AMD was courting Apple, Apple has more sense to bash anothetr company so all this crap may have some truth but I think it may be a combo of what ya read and this issue.


Limited supply is not fishy, Global Foundries backs this up......

Edited by Drdeath

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<br>HA, poor performance of the CPU. This means one of two things, apple understands AMD is weak, OR Intel paid them a lot of money for a contract. Smells like politics to me.<br>
<br><br>Yes you really are captain obvious... Intel tends to do that.. I mean AMD did get a billion and something just for that reason... AMD seemingly focuses more on GPU now... plus since Llano is cheap then the consumers would truly see how much Apple is conning them for if at original price point... after reading the guys article it seems like the supply is the problem... I think the producer is the main cause of all it's problems...


http://www.tomshardware.com/news/ibm-patent-blade-server-fire-suppressant,14061.html :lol:

Edited by Dan The Gamer

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Apple probably suspect Global foundries will have the same production issues with new amd 28nm graphics that it had with 32nm CPUs.


I agree llano shouldve hit intel harder. It's ashame they had supply issues. Curious if amd had control of it's fab like intel would they have the same issues or would it be worse for them to manage the cost.

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Apple probably suspect Global foundries will have the same production issues with new amd 28nm graphics that it had with 32nm CPUs.


I agree llano shouldve hit intel harder. It's ashame they had supply issues. Curious if amd had control of it's fab like intel would they have the same issues or would it be worse for them to manage the cost.

Global Foundries was AMD's fab. They spun it off years ago and sold some of the stock in it to make money, which they really needed at the time.

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