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Overclocking 1090T


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ok so im doing this since yesterday, right now i got it running at 3.9 GHZ i want it a t 4 GHZ i being reding the guides over the internet washing a lot of videos too im using the H50 in push and pull configurations, when using prime 95 in blend mode in just 3 minutes the TEMPS goes skyrocket i mean the CPU temps go for the 65C and temps for individual cores are 45C-51C i think the H50 suppose to do better. if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be great help.

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If you've already done the research and got it to 3.9 successfully, you may have simply reached the chips limit. I wouldn't worry about another 100mhz, even more so at those temps. Good luck though, maybe someone has a tip.

Edited by Fight Game

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CPU temps go for the 65C


Major red flag here. I believe that AMD lists the 1090T's MAX operating temperature as 62C. Also you should try to stay @ 55C or less at full load. Your cooling is holding your back IMO. You cant test any further and should back your CPU down until you get your temps in check. I'm not sure how well the H50 peforms on the X6's, but you might want to look at reseating/reapply thermal paste, and make sure you have enough intake/exhaust for the case/radiator.

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He already made a previous thread (though with a different title), and we discussed temps there. The H50 should cool the 1090T no problem, I couldn't even get my Hyper 212+ to get higher than 53C at 4.0GHz.



im probably gonna look to get a new termal paste gonna come back with the results .

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ok i went and bought new termal paste, intall again the H50 with push pull, somehow this run a little better after 1 hour and at half in prime95 i was hitting the 62C yet i read somewhere that the termal limit was 72C so yeah is probably a little high, dont care much since my computer probably will never reach using 100%, im gonna keep testing to see if i can manage a better.

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So it's running at 62C load now??


That seems high for an H50 and your processor at that speed



well that was using prime95, the actual temp with my normal use was 47C tops maybe i can get it lower im actually thinking about modding the H50 and getting also a BIGGER case, right now i just see how everything is put in there and i have really doubts in how the airflow get insinde the case.

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ok i downloaded core temp, cause somewhere i read that HWmonitor with AMD sometimes give a margin error of 10C and i think that was happend cause right now im getting 26C in idle gonna run some test right now i got the CPU runnig at 3.9GHZ

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your overclock speed is not so important, what does matter is your voltage, what are your settings?

the H50 is not the best choice for high overclocking, btw

Edited by potatochobit

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mmm i ask again, should i follow the CPU TEMP or should i follow the CORE TEMPS you know the ones going from #0-#5 if you got a HEX core cause if i follow the CPU temp right now is at 70C...wich i read its EXTREME bad but in the other hand if i read the TEMPS OF THE CORES THE ARE AT 100% LOAD WITH PRIME95 at 53-55C wich by some is the good to go. So if someone can point me in the right direction then i would appreciate.

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