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Can you confirm the graphics actually work on Ultra? And don't tell me your busy I know your just sitting in your room in your boxers playing video games and listening to smooth jazz.



Graphics works fine on ultra on a gtx580...

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After I finally got in a server, I played for a few minutes, then CTD with a lost connection error in Battlelog which lost my level up I got in game. This happened everytime. Eyefinity owns my video cards, so I might just be playing on one monitor because Low settings look like .. At ultra I think the cards had a heart attack haha. Look forward to playing tonight though since I didn't get too much last night.

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Wow this really sucks, I have a big interview on Friday and I get open beta access tomorrow.....thats just bad...

Considering I'm currently using 9600 GT, I won't be playing much BF3 until I get the GTX 580 up and running again.

Hey take care of my 9600, that was a little budget beast back in the day!


Graphics works fine on ultra on a gtx580...

Awesome thanks for the heads up, so I will be fine just as long as AMD get their xfire drivers worked out.


After I finally got in a server, I played for a few minutes, then CTD with a lost connection error in Battlelog which lost my level up I got in game. This happened everytime. Eyefinity owns my video cards, so I might just be playing on one monitor because Low settings look like .. At ultra I think the cards had a heart attack haha. Look forward to playing tonight though since I didn't get too much last night.

Yeah thats a big reason I never went 3 monitors, you are going to be disappointed with newer games having to run lower settings unless you drop $2k on video cards every 6 months.


Did you have any crossfire issues with one monitor?

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Yeah my next move will probably be one big 30" since I don't need the pc for multitasking like I did in school. I need to play around with the settings though. On low I was getting over 60 fps, so I'm sure I can turn then up a bit. I will try just one monitor after work. I only played for around 10 min this morning since I ended up not getting on last night. I'll let you know. And no, I didn't notice any cf issues in those few minutes. Just need to figure out why it keeps crashing to desktop...

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Yeah my next move will probably be one big 30" since I don't need the pc for multitasking like I did in school. I need to play around with the settings though. On low I was getting over 60 fps, so I'm sure I can turn then up a bit. I will try just one monitor after work. I only played for around 10 min this morning since I ended up not getting on last night. I'll let you know. And no, I didn't notice any cf issues in those few minutes. Just need to figure out why it keeps crashing to desktop...

Try setting the BF3.exe to run as admin as well as disabling the Origin in game support before you launch the game.


Also try disabling UAC and rebooting.

Edited by krazypoloc

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After running as admin and disabling the In-game Origin, I was able to play for 40 minutes without any problems at all. I even found the reason for my fps' to drop so low is that if I alt-tab out and go back in, the game drops into the single digits until I alt+enter back in a second time and they go back to normal. On High-Ultra settings @ 4x AA I am getting 40-80 fps, with the lower amount in the beginning of the Rush with all of the trees. My biggest pet peeve about the game is you have to be alive to change your settings. I have died several times trying to just change my mouse sensitivity. I think that is something that should be changed because 90% of the time I want to change something when I die because that thing I am changing has to do with me dying. *Breath* So all in all, Krazypoloc, I better see you on tomorrow night and I have the 25% off code waiting for you :D

Edited by t0asty

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Well it was good fps till I just played Capsium (or however it's spelled) and OMG did that just convince me more than ever to keep this game. I had to move down to one monitor because all that FOV and distance was too much to handle and was in the 20-30's and choppy. Helicopter is fun to fly in. I got a whole bunch of SS's I wonder if I can post up?

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Well it was good fps till I just played Capsium (or however it's spelled) and OMG did that just convince me more than ever to keep this game. I had to move down to one monitor because all that FOV and distance was too much to handle and was in the 20-30's and choppy. Helicopter is fun to fly in. I got a whole bunch of SS's I wonder if I can post up?



How did you get to play Caspain Border??? Please share :)

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The leaked PW going around the internet right now is "Appletini" I just put my filter on only show open servers in USA playing Caspian and make sure you are ready to high ctrl+v and connect really quick. Map is stupid big. Even 64 people isn't enough lol!


Here she is :D (shhhh!)




Here are a few more screenshots after I went down to a single monitor but turned it up to ultra. http://s31.photobucket.com/albums/c370/sparkyspigspunky/Battlefield%203/

Edited by t0asty

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BANHAMMER! :popcorn:







More BF3 Open Beta Benchmarks


From a BF3 Dev (link above):

I am running a 2600k with hyper-threading on. It gives a little % in boost but not worth the extra $100 in price from a i5.

But if you have the money there is no excuse to not buy an i7 for the "future" :)

Edited by Krazyxazn

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