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The Unofficial Battlefield 3 Thread


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There is stationary AA and a mobile AA tank. I believe you have them confused that may be why you aren't doing well with it.


Ahh thanks! I wasn't even considering the LAV because I swear I saw the other AA moving around ...either in game or in a YouTube vid. So I thought it was a perk you could unlock - such as the AA missiles. But I guess I was drunk as **** ...ooorrrrr saw a hacker. The first option is the more likely of the two scenarios but I think we should accept the second option as it sounds more impressive. :cheers:

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Plz do wanna see the guns in action before I unlock em :) Say are the Magnum sniper rifles slower at firing like the revolvers or what?

Shooting the M40 seems fast enough. The Rex however is mega slow to shoot. If you shoot too fast you won't hit anything even 15-20 ft away its that bad :D Wouldn't recommend using it if your constantly in the action. If your always in the action, any large capacity pistol with flashlight will just dominate close range.

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Ahh thanks! I wasn't even considering the LAV because I swear I saw the other AA moving around ...either in game or in a YouTube vid. So I thought it was a perk you could unlock - such as the AA missiles. But I guess I was drunk as **** ...ooorrrrr saw a hacker. The first option is the more likely of the two scenarios but I think we should accept the second option as it sounds more impressive. :cheers:


No worries either way. Now you know and you can do better. DICE does a horrible job of explaining their games, you just have to figure everything out for yourself (or read Krazyxazn's threads). I had to watch YouTube videos to figure out the SOFLAM and how it works. I looked and the stationary AA do have wheels on their base so I can see how it would be possible to be confused.

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Mobile AA...possibly the most annoying thing about the game, excluding tac lights and mortars. Nothing more infuriating than trying to fly a chopper out of my base and getting instantly raped by a mobile AA sitting just outside. Or the odd occasion when you find scrubs driving them right into flags and mowing down everyone because the barrels can aim far enough down to get a clean shot at a players torso.

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WOW. Thats very nice news. Preparing for battle...

There are some restrictions:

Back to Karkand Expansion only releases for the PS3 today

360/PC get access next Tuesday


To get Back to Karkand Expansion, you need either a Limited Edition BF3 copy or pay ~$15 to buy it.

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