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The Unofficial Battlefield 3 Thread


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A free esp hack, built into the game and you don't see anything wrong with that?

That depends, do you think there is anything wrong with a player shooting a tiny dart into a tank or helicopter and then having 5 engineers fire at it from behind a hill and killing it in one shot? Because you know what? That's what the good organized teams do in this game, they take advantage of all the spotting, tank darts, tiny helicopters, overpowered helicopters, anti-tank mines, and then when the crappy players don't take advantage of these features, what do they do? They get mad and call someone a noob, because that person figured out a more effective way of killing the enemy, which is what you're supposed to do in war, which this game simulates.


Besides, they'll probably disable it in hardcore mode again, so I don't see what the big deal is.


Edit: Also, why does this sort of thing bother people, but killcam doesn't bother people? That's pretty much a "hack" as well, you know exactly where your enemy is located, there isn't even any guess work like with spotting. I mean sure, you probably can't figure it out when the game is new but after a while you know the maps well enough to know exactly where someone is located and what the best route would be to go to that person.

Edited by Deathmineral

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Spotting is pretty bad imo, pretty unbalanced but it works for me LOL. Just get ACOG 4x on M16 and your good to go picking off red arrows. :whistling:


Btw, 11.8 Preview drivers are out, but only for Win 7 x64.

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That depends, do you think there is anything wrong with a player shooting a tiny dart into a tank or helicopter and then having 5 engineers fire at it from behind a hill and killing it in one shot? Because you know what? That's what the good organized teams do in this game, they take advantage of all the spotting, tank darts, tiny helicopters, overpowered helicopters, anti-tank mines, and then when the crappy players don't take advantage of these features, what do they do? They get mad and call someone a noob, because that person figured out a more effective way of killing the enemy, which is what you're supposed to do in war, which this game simulates.


Besides, they'll probably disable it in hardcore mode again, so I don't see what the big deal is.


Edit: Also, why does this sort of thing bother people, but killcam doesn't bother people? That's pretty much a "hack" as well, you know exactly where your enemy is located, there isn't even any guess work like with spotting. I mean sure, you probably can't figure it out when the game is new but after a while you know the maps well enough to know exactly where someone is located and what the best route would be to go to that person.


this crappy player has been killer like 400 times but is still happy to be in there playing with all the other guys(n gals)... i've been sniped from afar a few times, and killed by team armour a few times. but lately the enemy has gotten right up on me, like there's some sort of stealth mode that allows em to get in close for a kill...now that seems wrong to me. ...i hope i'm wrong, and there's not some kind of cheating going on, but it sure seems like it...

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That depends, do you think there is anything wrong with a player shooting a tiny dart into a tank or helicopter and then having 5 engineers fire at it from behind a hill and killing it in one shot? Because you know what? That's what the good organized teams do in this game, they take advantage of all the spotting, tank darts, tiny helicopters, overpowered helicopters, anti-tank mines, and then when the crappy players don't take advantage of these features, what do they do? They get mad and call someone a noob, because that person figured out a more effective way of killing the enemy, which is what you're supposed to do in war, which this game simulates.


Besides, they'll probably disable it in hardcore mode again, so I don't see what the big deal is.


Edit: Also, why does this sort of thing bother people, but killcam doesn't bother people? That's pretty much a "hack" as well, you know exactly where your enemy is located, there isn't even any guess work like with spotting. I mean sure, you probably can't figure it out when the game is new but after a while you know the maps well enough to know exactly where someone is located and what the best route would be to go to that person.

You just named 2 features I don't like about BC2 :D 3D Spotting and Kill Cam. This whole spam "Q" until a triangle shows up is just bad design. Tracer Darts (BF Dev already said these won't be in the game, but this is the only reliable counter against vehicles + Eng combo other than TOW or Helicopter which are location/map based).


The issue with Hardcore mode is it removes minimap and it adds more snipers, because instead of a 1-2+ hit kill, they only need to hit you once. Hardcore mode doesn't fix it, it adds more issues.


Looking at your BC2 stats, ..... :whistling:


but lately the enemy has gotten right up on me, like there's some sort of stealth mode that allows em to get in close for a kill...now that seems wrong to me. ...i hope i'm wrong, and there's not some kind of cheating going on, but it sure seems like it...

There are some really sneaky players. I've walked passed enemies so many times while they are in prone without even noticing. A good place to check is behind the rock/bushes in front of the first objective. Someone usually hides there waiting for people to run towards the 1st MCOM.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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this crappy player has been killer like 400 times but is still happy to be in there playing with all the other guys(n gals)... i've been sniped from afar a few times, and killed by team armour a few times. but lately the enemy has gotten right up on me, like there's some sort of stealth mode that allows em to get in close for a kill...now that seems wrong to me. ...i hope i'm wrong, and there's not some kind of cheating going on, but it sure seems like it...

Just to clarify, I didn't mean to use crappy player in a mean way, I myself am pretty much a crappy player, I just don't do all the noob calling really, I suppose that happens less in BF games in general though, I usually see the cussing and whining of bad players more in CoD games.


You just named 2 features I don't like about BC2 :D 3D Spotting and Kill Cam. This whole spam "Q" until a triangle shows up is just bad design. Tracer Darts (BF Dev already said these won't be in the game, but this is the only reliable counter against vehicles + Eng combo other than TOW or Helicopter which are location/map based).


The issue with Hardcore mode is it removes minimap and it adds more snipers, because instead of a 1-2+ hit kill, they only need to hit you once. Hardcore mode doesn't fix it, it adds more issues.


Looking at your BC2 stats, ..... :whistling:

Not everyone spams Q until a triangle appears though, personally when I play BC2 I like to play as sniper sometimes and simply sit in one spot without firing at all and just spot enemies for the rest of my team, and we usually win the game when I do that because that's a team play mechanic. Most of the time when I'm on the losing team in a game, something I notice is a severe lack of spotting. Without spotting the game really just turns into call of duty because you've essentially removed the biggest team play part of the game, everyone is pretty much just going to run off on their own and play it lone wolf style, just like you would in call of duty.


Your second point there is exactly why I don't think they are going to remove spotting at all, if they really cared what their audience thought, they would simply give users more control over all these things while setting up servers, but they don't, they just make normal and hardcore mode and if you don't like it, tough. The common sense thing to do is to make all of this stuff optional.


What's wrong with my BC2 stats? Just so you know, I play the game the proper way and don't play it for KDR so if my KDR looks like crap, that's probably for the best, too many people play this kind of game with a call of duty and worry about their KDR too much, really ruins the game when you have 16 players sitting around and not advancing to objectives or at least helping those that are advancing to objectives.

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I only play BFBC2 in hardcore mode. Spotting would be nice but we use teamspeak to communicate so it isn't really needed.

That gives me an idea, what if instead of putting an arrow over the enemy's head, they recorded a bunch of different lines to describe the location of the enemy being spotted, that would essentially remove the feeling of it being a wallhack and probably encourage people to stick together more. I mean obviously what rourchris is describing is more clan based gaming, but I think for people that prefer to play with strangers on public servers, a similar voice command would encourage clan like team play.

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What's wrong with my BC2 stats? Just so you know, I play the game the proper way and don't play it for KDR so if my KDR looks like crap, that's probably for the best, too many people play this kind of game with a call of duty and worry about their KDR too much, really ruins the game when you have 16 players sitting around and not advancing to objectives or at least helping those that are advancing to objectives.

When BC2 was my only game and played it more than once every other month, I had a 1.99 W/L Ratio and above 1.55 KDR (even with more horrible play after I quit playing it's still 1.82 W/L and 1.47 KDR). So, I know how to play the game and win (my squad score is higher than yours and you have 140 more hours of game time). I got my KDR without whoring out OP guns and still doing objectives and being a team player.

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