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OCC Christmas Contest 2010


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Oh yeah, ear infections are the worst. I've had two of them so bad that my eardrum actually ruptured to let all that fluid built up spill out. Couldn't hear for weeks!


Hope you get better Bosco!

That sounds ungodly painful.

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Knock on digital wood, but I have not had an ear infection in well over a decade.


Get better soon. CES won't be the same with out you, and since I literally have nothing to go on there,

I am really just blowing smoke, but I am sure that you will get better!

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I would say for general health, just workout and eat your vegies and fruits. I haven't gotten sick in a very long time now(Like 4 years or so). I have been running around with just a sweatshirt(and tshirt obviously) with my neck exposed very much and its been around 20-30 Fahrenheit on the good days and I am still not sick. Anyways, hope you get better. Merry Christmas everyone! (I get my gifts tonight :thumbsup: )

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I used to have ear infections, nosebleeds, sinusitis, IBS among other problems ( all symptoms of chronic inflammation) ditching refined grains, gluten and processed foods fixed all my health problems. Also stress can be a classy lady. So lots of meat, and animal fat, (and cheese, and butter, and eggs, and milk, and potatoes when i workout :biggrin: )

Hope You Get Well Soon Bosco! :thumbsup:

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