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Outclocking the bottleneck?


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Hi guys. Before i begin here are my "current" specs


MOBO: ASUS p5w-dh deluxe

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad q9400 2.66ghz @ 3.00ghz


Graphics Card

: x2 ASUS HD 5770 crossfired OC to gpu clock 935mhz memory clock 1350mhz

Cooler: Zalman's CNPS9700

Case: Antec 902 w/ side fan

PSU: Vantec ION 520W


Now I have just purchased a Radeon HD 4870x2 2gbwith a chance of buying an additional later on down the track. I am also thinking about buying a new PSU (possibly a TX850).

I'm afraid my CPU will bottleneck performance. Of course I would like to avoid buying a new CPU; what sort of overclock would i need to avoid that?

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It probably wouldn't bottleneck by a noticeable amount. I got a friend here in the UK with a 2.8GHz Phenom II X3 running with SLi GTX295's and the bottleneck isn't really noticeable. Hope this was useful.

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Why did u buy the 4870X2 ,when u already have 5770 crossfire,which outperforms the 4870X2 ,i would rather sell the current 4870X2 and invest in something more powerful like the 6900 series.


Actually benchmarks show that the 4870x2 outperforms a 5770 crossfire, 6900 series is not out in Australia and im sure it would break my bank. I got the 4870x2 at a bargain price and I also have the intention of buying another within the next couple weeks for crossfire (effectively it would be a quadfire since its two cores). Also according to this list http://www.overclock.net/graphics-cards-general/502403-graphics-card-ranking-5th-time-last.html (dunno how accurate it is) but 4870x2 CF is ranked pretty high on the crossfire/sli list which means sexy time for me.

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The difference between dual 5770s (especially overclocked like yours) and a 4870X2 is minimal at best with the newest drivers (and sometimes swings towards the 5770s being faster in newer games). Going Quadfire is something I'd definitely recommend against (especially with cards as power-hungry as the 4870X2s) - scaling tends to be pretty horrifically bad for many games.

Edited by Waco

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The difference between dual 5770s (especially overclocked like yours) and a 4870X2 is minimal at best with the newest drivers (and sometimes swings towards the 5770s being faster in newer games). Going Quadfire is something I'd definitely recommend against (especially with cards as power-hungry as the 4870X2s) - scaling tends to be pretty horrifically bad for many games.


Well I have read across different forums and found that some are 'for' others 'against'. The main argument is that the newer drivers have meant better scaling at this time, but who knows right? Given the performance potential I will probably give it a try and give my two cents. However, back to the original topic of bottleneck. Lets say I do go ahead with the 2x 4870x2 what sort of overclock will i be looking at?

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The difference between dual 5770s (especially overclocked like yours) and a 4870X2 is minimal at best with the newest drivers (and sometimes swings towards the 5770s being faster in newer games). Going Quadfire is something I'd definitely recommend against (especially with cards as power-hungry as the 4870X2s) - scaling tends to be pretty horrifically bad for many games.


I'm all about the 4870x2 believe me! but I'd rather have a 5770x2 if they made one, my 4870x2 doesn't OC at all so dual 5770's OC'd would spank it around and probably still be more efficient! (and dx11)

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I dont think your CPU will bottleneck you much, if at all. But, like was said above, faster is always better. A common range for those chips is 3.6 GHz to 3.8 GHz, sometimes even 4.0 GHz. With your cooler, expect closer to 3.6 GHz. I seriously doubt though that you'll play any game where your CPU performance actually hinders your graphics cards.

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You really do not have a bottleneck. The CPU is working as fast as it can and cannot run faster neither can the cards unless you max out the clock on both and even then they are at max speeds. There is always a "weak" link in every system. Some call it a bottleneck but it isn't a "true" bottleneck.


On a CPU the true definition is when the CPU is being taxed so hard, it does not perform to max capacity. On a GPU it cannot keep up with the CPU. In your case with either card there is a weak link and there will always be somewhat of what some call a bottleneck. Your system is fine with the 5770's and your CPU.

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