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Noctua NH-D14 vs. Thermalright Venomous X

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Have you considered the Corsair H50 or CoolIT ECO A.L.C.

Both of them are isolated loop CPU Water coolers.


yeah, I'm pretty sure that the NH-D14 cools better than the H50. I'd be kinda nervous about if I got an H50 and it started leaking one day which could ruin your motherboard and everything else. I've read about that happening in the newegg reviews.


I know or I'm assuming you suggested those because they would be much quieter comparied to an air cooler, but Noctua and even their flagship NH-D14 is supposedly whisper quiet.


Anyway, I just wanted to know if anyone could tell me if the Thermalright Venomous X was any better and as quiet as the NH-D14

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Corsair so far has very few leaks and apparently they've been gracious enough as to replace people's entire systems. You should check their forums. I don't know about CoolIT's service but it's 10 dollars cheaper with an extra 10 dollar rebate and I heard it's just as efficient, more so with aftermarket fans.




I'd say the noctua just by looking at the specifications on the page and the design. It has a separate rack of radiator fins for each side of the pipes. I would imagine the surface area would allow the radiators to dissipate more heat overall. The fans are also rated quieter at 19dba vs. 24

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  • 11 months later...

If you can fit it I would go with the Noctua D14. It is very quiet, I run my fans on full. Its large and there is only 44mm clearance underneath it so if you have tall heats[readers on your ram that can be an issue. I had to take toe top fins of my Corsair DOM GT ram.

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The noctua will be quiet, but so will the other one or even a Hyper212+ depending on whay you do.

I have a friend running a core 2 quad on a good old TRUE passively, so most tower style heatsinks should be just fine.

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D14 is too big , go for this : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835209049&cm_re=Antec_Kuhler-_-35-209-049-_-Product

Its the Antec Kuhler 620 and performs very well and is actually cheaper than a D14 . With the money you save and add a little and buy some fan screws and 2nd fan for Push/Pull which I am sure will beat the D14 while saving space for good airflow .

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