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I understand the logic behind using the spoiler tag, and I don't think anyone here is trying to ruin anyones experience.



May I propose the question, why are you looking at a StarCraft II thread if you don't want to be spoiled? Personally for me I stayed away from all the sites, forums, etc when I was playing threw the campaign. Because I know that we live in the information age and that information is readily available if you want to look at it or not.


Now I am not saying that we shouldn't use spoiler tags or anything, I am saying that if your one who is that worried about getting spoiled you might want to steer clear until you finish the game. Only you can really prevent your self from getting spoiled ;)


I personally feel that I should be able to discuss aspects of the game without giving it away. Including but not limited to strategies on earning achievements. Maybe a solution to this issue is to create two separate topics, single player discussion and general starcraft discussion?


Maybe someone has not finished the campaign but is in the process of completing the campaign?


Also, some people don't play through the single player right away. I'm only on the 6th or 7th mission and don't feel like continuing at a fast pace because that's simply something I don't want to do.


However, I may want to discuss the missions I have already completed, or discuss some strats for multiplayer, or talk about when the expansions are coming, and I feel I should be able to do this without getting the rest of the story spoiled for me.

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Maybe someone has not finished the campaign but is in the process of completing the campaign?


Also, some people don't play through the single player right away. I'm only on the 6th or 7th mission and don't feel like continuing at a fast pace because that's simply something I don't want to do.


However, I may want to discuss the missions I have already completed, or discuss some strats for multiplayer, or talk about when the expansions are coming, and I feel I should be able to do this without getting the rest of the story spoiled for me.

QFT. I've played about 12 missions thus far, and I'd have no problem discussing those missions, but don't want the rest of the game ruined. Why should I have to hold off on discussing the game until I finish the campaign? I don't have the time to play the game for 40 hours straight, so it could be a week or two or maybe even more before I finish the campaign.

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Maybe someone has not finished the campaign but is in the process of completing the campaign?


Also, some people don't play through the single player right away. I'm only on the 6th or 7th mission and don't feel like continuing at a fast pace because that's simply something I don't want to do.


However, I may want to discuss the missions I have already completed, or discuss some strats for multiplayer, or talk about when the expansions are coming, and I feel I should be able to do this without getting the rest of the story spoiled for me.

QFT. I've played about 12 missions thus far, and I'd have no problem discussing those missions, but don't want the rest of the game ruined. Why should I have to hold off on discussing the game until I finish the campaign? I don't have the time to play the game for 40 hours straight, so it could be a week or two or maybe even more before I finish the campaign.


Both of these are win.


Some people don't just sit down in one evening and power through the game. There are plenty of people on this site who can't just play a game nonstop for a day or three. They have other commitments like family or work that takes up the majority of the time so we may only get a few hours a day to play a game. Like Clay, I have played about 15 missions so far and I've had the game since it came out. I only play two or three missions a day because I am taking my time with the game.. not to mention I've messed around on versus mode some. :P

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Wow, are we really still on this subject? And yet not one person could explain how I spoiled the game/missions... :rolleyes:



Don't forget you have no clue what an Odin is or its use until you are actually at that point in the storyline. So just because I used a mission name and a keyword doesn't make it a spoiler. I was extremely careful in the wording i chose for a reason. I have seen much, much worse in other topics that weren't called out and threatened. In addition, the article ("review") someone linked actually has mission/story spoilers in it ...yet somehow referenced articles/trailers are exempt?



I've already shown I'm more than willing to use spoiler tags by using them in my previous posts and even editing 1 or 2 others. Not to mention if the spoiler tags are so highly required, it should have a friendly button to use like the quotation button ...not tucked away in some obscure drop down menu labeled "Other styles". Just because some people know where it is and how to use it doesn't mean everyone does.


That is beside the point though, if I honestly felt that what i said would spoil ...anything (mission details, strat, storyline) I would have used the spoiler tags. But in order to keep the peace I edited my posts to include spoiler tags.



Though I have to say, threatening people probably doesn't inspire the lurkers out there to come out and post. Respect is a two-way street.

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Is there any way to try SC2 before buying?

yes, you need a guest pass from someone who bought the game. I had 2, plus a WoW guest pass. Though I gave my passes all away.


Or, you could download the game for free *wink*, but it'll be the single player only. Though I think it's going to be enough to help you make your decision.

Edited by ballist1x

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