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Electic shock poll, have you ever been severely shocked?



66 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you been severly shocked? (More than a jolt)

    • Yes
    • No
  2. 2. How many times have you been severly shocked?

    • 1-5 times
    • 6-10 times
    • 11-15 ...
    • 16-20 ...
    • More than 20 times
    • I lost count... !!
    • I have never been electrocuted

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In my younger years. When I was welding a panel between the cab to the front tandom axle. I dragged the tattered grounding cable over the backs of my legs. And struck an arc...


Well lets see. Power on. Check. Plate of steel? Check! Tattered cable? Check! Welding rod? Check!


Time to strike an arc. Lets just say I became Instant Ground to 440 Volts of instant A/C currant.



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Over here in the UK, the Live and Neutral pins of our plugs are partially insulated, to pretty much eliminate the possibility of electric shock from the outlet (which often have plastic "doors" in the corresponding holes, which only open when the earth pin is inserted - one of the reasons it is longer)...





If you get shocked by the 240V 13A standard supply from a socket here, you'd get thrown across the room, probably be unconscious and burnt, and maybe have to go to hospital... it's a lot more serious and painful than the buzzes/tingles I've got from touching the mains plug pins of US appliances when plugging/unplugging them, when I lived in Virginia.



ha ha...240 volts wont throw you but it will make the part of you that it hits jump and you'll know it...


I've gotten hit many times on 240volts....sometimes on purpose...it will make your muscles jump..110volts aint anything...


now 480volts and kill you...I have seen people un plug a 480volt 3-phase and get thrown....

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I didn't really read any posts in this, but you realize electrocution means you were killed right?



I guess I've used the term "electrocuted" wrongly my whole life...









Everyone knows what I mean though...

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So if you get struck by lightning, and survive. I guess it was just another shocking experience


So yes you could survive an electrocution. But not always

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Easily over 20. Nothing too strong, just standard outlets in the US, France, and Israel. Took a bit of juice from some capacitors once, not too sure how strong they were, but they zapped pretty hard.

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Ok my most recent ones, last week I decided to hot wire a lawn mower and couldn't figure out how to shut it off. I figured rubber sheathed spark plug wire would be safe. Got a good 20 or so zaps.

A month or so ago I came to realize my power drill had a frayed cord the hard way.

I also found out the hard way that extension cords with two male ends do exist and should come with warning labels.

I have gotten countless zaps from small engines.

About a 2 months ago I was the static cling king apparently and got shocked by everything metal for a few weeks straight. Not life threatening just made life suck.

I got zapped once when I was putting some peanut butter on a processor... computer revenge I guess.

And many more and a few that are pretty fuzzy.

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I live near some hydro electric towers and when I was young there were a few incidents. One Summer night a neighborhood teen took some bad drugs and climbed one of the towers. His charred and broken body was found the following morning by someone walking their dog. I guess he touched one of the high tension wires and probably died instantly. If not the fall killed him. The freaky thing is my sisters and I were waiting for the school bus that morning (before he was discovered) no more than 30 feet away.

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I'd say probably about 6-10 times I've been shocked mostly from outlets that didn't have there protective covers on them and a few times by sticking my hand in water which had electric cord that had a broken steal.

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