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Is It True That The New Intel Prescott Is Delayed.

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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

yeah and lower preformance stuff is bs he said it preforms and oc's better than the the current 3.2ghz EE but it runs hotter

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As far as I know, the launch date is still feb. 2 or feb 15 of this year. I haven't heard any different, and that's when Intel gave permission for me to release my reviews on the prescott cored EE that I have.


The release of the 3.6 and 3.8 Precott may have been delayed though. I was hoping and supposed to get a 3.6 Prescott for testing, but I have yet to see or hear anything new on them.

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This is what i herd... the 3.4 Ghz processor is slower then the 3.2 and maby even the 3.0 p4's its kinda like AMD, they have a much slower Mhz, but use each clock cycle much more efficentally thus having better proformancce at less MHZ!! Kinda like the prescot.. insted.. the Mhz is higher, but is less efficent per clock cycle, thus having more Mhz in its "name" but not realy the proformance.


i dont know.. in my opinion.. if Intel does not fix this, and people find out that thay can get a amd the outproforms a same mhz or higher intel, i have a fealing AMD will soon rise to the top of the processor market.. but it all depends on how Intel lays out its cards.. me persionaly, i would delay the releas of the prescott, until they get the proformance..


that would be crazy, selling a more expensive prescot that runs at 3.4 Ghz but is slower then a faster p4 3.2 Ghz?? so that is what i have to say :D

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I'm hearing shipping delays. sounds like it's going to be out in severely limitted #'s initially (shocking for intel huh?). price wise I HOPE they're wrong when I'm seeing prices around $1200 for the prescotts (hope that's my vendors just being the typical clowns they usually are).


performance wise I'm hearing it's not that good right now. however it does sound like a problem with the 875 chipset and prescott... not the chip

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:withstupid: And by that same notion, if they delay too long trying to fix the problem, they lose a lot of business and respect to AMD. The longer it takes, the worse they look, even if they DO fix the problem. I guess they have to pick the lesser of two evils.

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