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Applying Thermal paste


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I'm using the Line method on my I7 D0. I find the temps between each cores are too far apart. On Real temp left to right max temps: 82 81 79 76. I have reseating the heatsink twice and the second time got worse :(

I'm using Noctua D14. Which method is everyone else using for you CPU?

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I am assuming you are doing some overclocking, what is your overclock and voltage settings? First thing I would suggest is much less thermal paste, less is more sometimes.

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Use the double horizontal line method, but apply a slight bit more at the ends of the line so it will cover the corners:





The thermal compound you're using might affect it, as well as your Vcore, BCLK, and HT settings.

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Use the double horizontal line method, but apply a slight bit more at the ends of the line so it will cover the corners:





The thermal compound you're using might affect it, as well as your Vcore, BCLK, and HT settings.


I'm using Arctic MX3 and my vcore is 1.312v in CPU-z and 1.34 in the BIOS. CPU is clocked at 4.2GHZ




I put a line in the middle of the cpu with the triangle on the bottom right

Edited by phat_cow

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I'm assuming those are load temps, but I don't think it's how you're applying it, though it could still be lower. I use TIM Consultants T-C Grease 0098 with the Noctua NH-D14 as well, but with higher Vcore at 4.2GHz with HT off and my temps are slightly better. It could be the thermal compound, differences of 1-3C. What are you using, Prime95 or IntelBurnTest?

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My quad core almost always has a 5C variance between the cores, I attribute that to my probable crappy TIM application but I believe more importantly to the orientation of my heatsink.


I've heard that certain coolers cool better when the heatpipes are orientated in a specific manner.

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My Athlon 64 X2 3800+ had about 10 degrees difference in temps between the cores even after I removed the i.h.s. I think it has to do with the amount of actual work that each core is doing.

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