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windows 7 NO boot - mixedup SATAs


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so I've opened my newely assembled PC again. this time to fix cable management, cuz it was awful.


and apparently I mixed the SATAs up. (call me an idiot, everyone else has). windows 7 isn't booting. I ran REPAIR from the DVD, but it did absolutely nothing.


I know windows (and everything else) is still there, I've seen it on the disk when going into the repare console and browsing...


what should I do to make it boot? if the DVD's repare down't work?


TY, need help ASAP.

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How many SATA devices have you got?


... and change your signature because blue writing on a blue background aint good! ;)


Plug your HDD's into SATA 0 one at a time until it boots.





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This happens to me sometimes as well. I am always able to fix it by going into the BIOS and changing the boot order of the hard drives. Sometimes this gets screwed up when I change wires around.

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OR go into the BIOS and on the Hard drive tab select the drive to boot from that has the OS....


When I dont want people on my PC I set the storage drive and the boot drive...it never boots...lol


EDIT:...Cheezewhiz beat me to the posting...:)

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nope... tried all that. tried setting the HDD to boot (it was alredy first), tried removing other things from boot. nothing.


and when I goto repair console from DVD, the windows installation isn't visible. (which is kinda obvious).


but if I press load driver > browse (just for crap ang giggles) I CAN SEE THE DATA IS STILL ON THERE - all the folders, etc.


tried using \fixboot - I got "element not found"




p.s. if nothing works I'll make a new windows installation on a partition, and load into it, see if I can't do something, because I can't use others' PCs forevah. (they're re-he-he-ally scrooges... go figure.)



Edited by Crawlerz246

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Have you tried just having your boot drive as the only drive installed on your machine? Disconnect your other hard drives and optical drives. Your BIOS should indicate the hard drive installed upon boot-up. If Windows doesn't boot up, then there's something wrong with your drive.


Also, this may not be the case, but double check your hard drive's jumper settings, too.

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Have you tried just having your boot drive as the only drive installed on your machine? Disconnect your other hard drives and optical drives. Your BIOS should indicate the hard drive installed upon boot-up. If Windows doesn't boot up, then there's something wrong with your drive.


Also, this may not be the case, but double check your hard drive's jumper settings, too.


I am not about to open it up again, I got a delicate wire balance going.

no jumpers are on the HDDs I looked when I was taking them out to move them one slot up in the case.

as it is I had all my docs, music, pic, vids on another HDD so I installed windows onto this C:\ without losing those. have to reinstall apps tho

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So you can see the drive in the bios ? are you getting a message as to why it wont boot?

I had the "mbr missing" this weekend and was able to run the repair from the disk.

You have to remember to reset the hdd as the first boot device after words or it just goes

back to load the windows disk. good luck, i know how you feel i thought i had lost everything.

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So you can see the drive in the bios ? are you getting a message as to why it wont boot?

I had the "mbr missing" this weekend and was able to run the repair from the disk.

You have to remember to reset the hdd as the first boot device after words or it just goes

back to load the windows disk. good luck, i know how you feel i thought i had lost everything.


no messages besides "reboot and choose a proper boot device". in BIOS I've tried everything. disabled all SATA's besides C:\, set different order, nothing helped. I need a usable PC as this is my main an ONLY machine. (and besides - my grandmother, who is PC illiterate, has infected herself with trojans and fake alerts watching movies on russian sites, and clicking on everything. guess who is left with the mess? same thing happened to my baby bro not too long ago - HE dowloads mods for EVERYTHING. BS halo mods, NFS mods, etc.) so I sais F it and reinstalled windows 7 ultimate x64 on the C:\ (all my docs, etc, were thankfully on D:\)... lost all apps, tho. and a couple of games that require activations. lesson learned (the hard way) - next time I'll mark the SATAs.

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at this point UNHOOK everything but the OS drive...


there should be only the board, cpu, ram and power....and the hard drive....make sure ALL Optical drives and ALL other hard drives and ANY USB peripheral is UNHOOKED and try that...


if you have a USB device plugged in and Boot Other Device ENABLED in the BIOS it will try to boot from it...

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no messages besides "reboot and choose a proper boot device". in BIOS I've tried everything. disabled all SATA's besides C:\, set different order, nothing helped. I need a usable PC as this is my main an ONLY machine. (and besides - my grandmother, who is PC illiterate, has infected herself with trojans and fake alerts watching movies on russian sites, and clicking on everything. guess who is left with the mess? same thing happened to my baby bro not too long ago - HE dowloads mods for EVERYTHING. BS halo mods, NFS mods, etc.) so I sais F it and reinstalled windows 7 ultimate x64 on the C:\ (all my docs, etc, were thankfully on D:\)... lost all apps, tho. and a couple of games that require activations. lesson learned (the hard way) - next time I'll mark the SATAs.


All I can say is keep your brother and grandmother off you computer. glad your up and running .

Edited by dling

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