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CrossfireX @ PCI-E x16, x16, x4


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I currently have 2 XFX radeon 5770 in CrossfireX. I am thinking about adding a 3rd card, but my motherboard only supports PCI-E x4 on the 3rd slot. Would it be a waste of money or would I still see some substantial improvement with the 3rd card only running on a PCI-E x4 slot? I would lose my sound card in the process also, but I would just use the onboard sound I suppose. Otherewise I would have to spend the money on a new mobo.

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Waste of money.


The 2 cards you already have was a terrible idea. You should have got 1x 5850 or 5870. Running weak cards in Crossfire is really poor.


Adding a 3rd card wont help at all. Most games barely benifit from Crossfire, let alone tri-fire.


Your sound card is doing more good than a 3rd card would.


Personnally, if the 2 cards you have arent good enough, sell them and get a 5870. Stop wasting time with low level cards.

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2x5770 is better than a 5850 but some games dont support crossfire scaling like GTA 4,i would not put a another card in tri fire in the x4 slot,if u want more performance just sell of the two cards and buy a 5870 u will get more performance and u can go crossfire with one more later.

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I am happy with these cards vs. price ($169). A 5870 we are talking over $400. No way. I just thought of asking about the 3rd PCI-E slot. My FPS in Crysis with these cards blows away the single GTX 275 I had, so like I said I am not having issues just thought about adding more. I tried 2 Nvidia GTX 275's, but they seem to be having some driver issues. I don't know if that ahs been resolved, but I know it was all over there forum and also the entire web. BSOD.

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Waste of money.


The 2 cards you already have was a terrible idea. You should have got 1x 5850 or 5870. Running weak cards in Crossfire is really poor.


Adding a 3rd card wont help at all. Most games barely benifit from Crossfire, let alone tri-fire.


Your sound card is doing more good than a 3rd card would.


Personnally, if the 2 cards you have arent good enough, sell them and get a 5870. Stop wasting time with low level cards.

This is incorrect, its not 2003 anymore. Crossfire scaling has improved dramatically. Dual 5770s perform on par with a single 5870, and tons of reviews praised that combo for its great price:performance...they cost less then one 5870 and are easier to find.


In the OP's case though, with his motherboard limitations, I would either stick with what he has now if he is gaming at mid-low resolutions, or sell them both and get a single 5870 if he is running at 1080p. Then, he can get a second one down the road and push the eye candy even more if he wants.

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I am running at 1920 * 1080 1080P. Crysis on very high settings and no problems here. I am very happy with these cards vs. price. They don't draw as much power as a nvidia card and they also OC very nicely. FPS in Crysis averages around 80 FPS Directx 10 with my rig. I only asked again about the 3rd slot just for curiousity.

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I am running at 1920 * 1080 1080P. Crysis on very high settings and no problems here. I am very happy with these cards vs. price. They don't draw as much power as a nvidia card and they also OC very nicely. FPS in Crysis averages around 80 FPS Directx 10 with my rig. I only asked again about the 3rd slot just for curiousity.


Those are some nice frames you are getting for 1080p.


Is it PCI-E 2.0 or PCI-E?

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I am running at 1920 * 1080 1080P. Crysis on very high settings and no problems here. I am very happy with these cards vs. price. They don't draw as much power as a nvidia card and they also OC very nicely. FPS in Crysis averages around 80 FPS Directx 10 with my rig. I only asked again about the 3rd slot just for curiousity.

Holy cow!


My 5850's only getting around 30 at those settings :D

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Holy cow!


My 5850's only getting around 30 at those settings :D

I suspect that we're not getting the whole truth from him :lol:


and to xpetezx...no....because no... I know it sucks that you forked out too much money for a video card but the fact is that those two "low level" video cards would produce alot more performance than yours and still be cheaper!

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