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The Unofficial Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread


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My thoughts on Battlefield Bad Company 2:


First of all, I haven't had time to play through a good amount of the campaign, but from what I have played, it sure looks like it won't be a disappointment.


As for the multiplayer, well, there's a lot to say. It's absolutely amazing. The first thing I noticed was the sheer map size - each map has four "sections", each of which are bigger than most of MW2's maps (yes, I am comparing BC2 to MW2 since it seems to be the rage these days). So essentially, since there are 8 maps, you have around 32 MW2 sized areas.


There's more than map size. The aesthetic parts of the game are great, both graphics and sound. DICE must have spent a lot of time optimizing Frostbite to look this good on consoles (I am playing this game on an Xbox 360). I've heard that DICE uses real guns for their sound recordings, and it definitely works well. The ambient sound is also handled professionally - you hear bullets and explosions from far away which is something that is sorely lacking in other games, and even the voice recordings are really good.


Destruction 2.0. I know all of you have probably already heard of this, but not enough can be said about it. How do you defend a house with crumbling walls? This is one of the first questions I asked myself when I was playing, as defending an m-com station inside a house just can't be handled by camping in the corners of a room, or behind a staircase. You're simply too exposed to be able to sit down and set up camp.


Vehicles also add so much to the gameplay, there's something pretty damn satisfying about bringing down an m-com station with fire from a tank when the other team is getting defusals pretty easily. The helicopters are great for supporting your team on the ground, and the fast ground units (such as quad bikes) are absolutely necessary for navigating these huge maps.


The controls are also pretty tight, you don't have as much of an aim assist as MW2 does (at least in multiplayer), and while I'm still not too good with a controller, I don't find it that difficult without an aim assist on a console game. I do like that they took out prone, it'd be a lot harder to play the game fairly with being able to lay down.


So what do I think? Buy the damn game.

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I have played a little of it so far, and I must say its better than I thought. I am a guy who loved the original BF and the mods with it, but really got disappointed with the yearly releases. The only thing I am not liking about the campaign so far is the cut scenes, I don't mind the cut scenes they are fine it is the transition in and out of them that is kinda annoying, I think there would be more immersion if it didn't fade to black each time.


Other than that its a alright game.

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For anyone that pre-ordered either in store or online at Gamestop.. did you get the unlock early code for the AKS-74U?


Just picked up my copy from Gamestop, no code though... I mean i know its unlock-able ingame, but early access might make me use the Engi a bit more :P



I preordered though steam, got my code for a few unlocks. 1943 m4a1, tracer dart gun, secondary fire for all vehicles (badass), improved armor for vehicles and another pistol. No AK code :( Did you pre-order through gamestop? I think thats the only way to get the AK on day 1.




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Just finished the SP. It was much better than BC1 SP. Your squad AI can actually kill people now :P. I didn't mind the cut scenes, I actually liked them all. Took me about 8-10 hours to beat on Hard. While searching for collectible and m-coms. It seems I missed 3 m-coms and 1 weapon (XM8), which is weird because you start with the dang XM8. I'll just wait till someone puts out the guide and pick those up later.


Now I can just focus on the MP part. After I study/take my exam on Friday.


Gotta hook up my PC to the sound system one day over spring break and play on the 65" HDTV lol. Piss off everyone. The sound in this game is amazing from just using my headphones or my cheap Logitech 5.1 Speakers.

Edited by Krazyxazn

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