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The "I Just Recently Watched Movies/TV Series" Topic


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Hotel Transylvania- AMAZING movie, I knew it'd be good but I REALLY liked this. I wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did, it's just a lot of fun to watch and has some awesome and memorable characters with a very ingeniously crafted world/story.


Battleship- Surprisingly well thought out representation of a classic board game and solid action flick (fans of Transformers style action, file in haha)...I liked it, I don't care that some people said it was only so-so. I love aliens and I they got bonus points for incorporating aspects of the board game into the movie without making it corny. It honestly had more thought put into it than I thought, it wasn't a completely brain dead action flick like I was expecting.

Edited by IVIYTH0S

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Hotel Transylvania - Meh. It was more focused on pop culture references than anything else, but then again I compare everything CGI to Pixar. The clients that I saw it with loved it though. Seeing them enjoy it made it worth the money for me :).


Looper - Made it 45 minutes in before my date and I left. Part of it was her being a very sensitive homeschooled conservative Christian from Kansas and not being able to handle much violence and nudity. The other part was the fact that I consider myself jaded by violence and nudity and I could hardly stand it. Pirates had a better plot development to tits ratio (stolen from Yahtzee, I believe).


Cloud Atlas - AWESOME movie! I hadn't seen the previews and it was kind of an impulsive decision made by my date (different one this time). I was blown away. A movie that long and with as much going on is incredibly easy to fuck up and hard to make work. Somehow though, it worked. Some of the blood and gore took me by surprise, but it wasn't as bad as Looper. Part of this opinion may be influenced by the cute girl my arm was wrapped around most of the movie.

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The Avengers- Everyone already knows this is good...but now I do. Not much can be said that has already been praised.


Argo: VERY well done movie based on a true story that will have you on the end of your seat (even knowing the outcome). I highly recommend if you're looking for a good drama!

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The Dilemma: I thought it was pretty good, it was more of a dramady than a comedy like I had thought but still a solid movie nonetheless.


Pandorum: Have about 20 more minutes to watch of this when I see my girlfriend again but so far I LOVE IT, pretty awesome Sci-fi thriller :)

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Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter :)

This was actually MUCH more awesome than I expected.



I mean it just sounds awesome, but you kind of have an inkling that it was gonna be a sort of corny cut-rate action movie, however I thought it was pretty badass...

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