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NVIDIA CEO points to Q1 2010 Fermi launch


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Straight from NVIDIA's CEO:

“Next year it is going to be an interesting first quarter because, in fact, we will need more wafers than ever in Q1. The reason for that is because – and I mean more 40nm wafers than ever in Q1 –we are […] fully ramping Fermi for three different product lines: GeForce, Quadro and Tesla,”


And here's another somewhat interesting bit:

“We will be fully ramping MCP89. We will be fully ramping Tegra. Not to mention the 40nm products that we currently have that are fully ramped up, and so I am expecting Q1 to be a pretty exciting quarter for us because we just have so many new products,”


Full article


That pretty much seals it, we won't see Fermi hardware this year and Q1 extends up to March... Hopefully for them, TSMC fixes their major yield issues because ramping up a 3 billion transistor GPU, a chipset and Tegra will be challenging!



On another note: NVIDIA releases cartoons to fight Intel!

Edited by Zertz

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I wouldn't be suprised if they launch at CES thats usually when everyone launches new stuff.

That's very likely. I'm wondering if it'll be a hard launch, but with very limited availability like ATI with the HD5000's

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The best way for Nvidia, if they manage to get enough working chips from TSMC, is to make what ATi did (limited availability).


The prices of the GT300 will remain prohibitive till the new 28nm process starts, as apparently TSMC invest more efforts into the transition as into the fixing the completely gone-bad 40nm process.

Anyway, I'm not going for a new GPU till Fermi comes out.


Apparently only Intel has a "state of art" production level.

Edited by Digitalis

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I expect to see the card long before march since we are leaving in a few weeks for testing of the cards.

Are they going to let you see all four of them that they have working so far? :lol:.

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